Vh1 dating show steve

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He is most recognized for his work as the Host and Executive Producer of the show an series that airs on. Steven Brandon Ward or Steve Ward was born in Philadelphia, PA on November 12, 1980. He has an older brother and younger sister. His mother and father divorced at the age of 5 and he was raised by his mother and step father. For most of his youth Steve lived throughout Southeastern Pennsylvania. In the Fall of 1993 his family relocated to Northern Virginia and he attended , where he starred on the JV football team as a senior before graduating in 1998. Steve attended from 1998 to 2003 and finished with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with concentrations in Finance and Economics. He was a member, and at one time President, of the Alpha-Tau chapter of the fraternity. On November 16, 2013, while on a surprise trip to Paris for the weekend Steve proposed to his longtime girlfriend, Madison Pard. Steve began his training as a matchmaker at a very young age. Shortly after graduating college he joined his mother JoAnn Ward in her personal area based matchmaking business, It’s About Time! He soon rebranded the company, Master Matchmakers and expanded the business throughout the Mid Atlantic. Since 2006, he has acted as of the now nationwide coaching and matchmaking practice. In 2008, Steve was hired to star as resident matchmaker and host in , produced by ‘s and. The first season, which premiered March 15, 2009 involved eight single women living in one house all struggling in love. In 2009, Steve co-authored a book with his mom titled Crash Course in Love. The book was published by Pocket Books, a division of Simon and Schuster. He has been featured in Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Glamour, People, OK! After two successful seasons in 2009, was produced and aired in 2010 where Steve and his mom gave relationship coaching and conflict resolution to six couples persisting in unhealthy relationships. Five of the six couples eventually were engaged and Steve personally officiated two of their weddings in the Tough Love Couples: Wedding Special. The single contestant version reemerged in 2011 with the successful. At the conclusion of the Miami installment aired another one-hour special Tough Love Miami Reunion. In April 2012, Steve was nominated by George Tsetsekos, dean of the LeBow College of Business for Drexel University to be one Philadelphia Business Journal’s 40 Under 40, in its 22nd year, which recognizes local young professionals for outstanding success and contributions to their community. The winners were selected from more than 250 nominations. The hit franchise was renewed once again adding yet another twist. This season, Steve incorporated his sister Monica Ward to give a female perspective to the male housemates. Four single men and four single women lived together to work through their dating and relationship


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