Tips on Travel Gear

Tips on Travel Gear – as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Tips on Travel Gear I travel with only the basics when it comes to tech gear. I don’t travel with a lot at all, I have my computer, I have my camera, and I have my phone. The computer is the computer I use every day. I don’t have a really super small one because I do like to be able to type properly on it. To have a really small compact computer is beneficial for some travelers but for me I need something a little bit larger that I can really write on because after all I am a writer. My camera is a compact travel camera. My priorities when I researched it, was for a really good optical zoom, as well as it being really good in low light. After all, I meet a lot of people when I’m inside whether it’s at a bar or a club, or at a coffee shop or museum, or wherever. I want to get pictures of these people and I want to get pictures of myself at these places, so I have this little compact travel camera that is very good for lowlight with good optical zoom. And my third is my phone. I have a dumb phone, I have to admit, and I’ve been criticized for this. However at this point I’m still holding my ground on it. The reason is that yes, I have it there for safety if I need to call, I can do so the numbers are all coded into my phone when I need them but I’m not distracted by it. It means that when I travel, I can travel and really experience what I am experiencing and not busy tweeting about it, or Facebooking, or updating it on Facebook or things of that nature. While there are many apps that I would love to have access to, I fear that I might be a little too addicted to a smart phone, so I leave that aside and I travel with a dumb phone and I experience my travels real time.

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