The Metropolitan Apartments in Philadelphia, PA

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View these Philadelphia Apartments on The year was 1926…an era when glitz and glamour defined the style of early 20th century prosperity and the urbanization of major American cities. In Philadelphia, French architect, Louis Jallade, was commissioned to design a 26-story, twin-tower complex, one of the first examples of Art Deco architecture to be built in this city. Its unique profile of tall slender towers joined by decorative arches, and topped off with an unsual series of terra cotta tiles, continues to be a distinctive presence rising above the Center City skyline. The building has served many purposes since its origin, but none as exciting as when Historic Landmarks for Living transformed this relic in 1982 into a luxury apartment highrise. While the irreplaceable design features of the past have been preserved, great care has been taken to enhance them with a host of contemporary amenities and conveniences to create a quality of life that towers over other apartment buildings. Today, The Metropolitan rises above the dramatic resurgence of Philadelphia’s downtown district, and our residents are right in the center of all that is great about city living!


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