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Just a few nights of bad sleep upsets your brain
“In any one night, one in three people is having difficulty sleeping, perhaps 5% to 10% of the general population has insomnia,
and many people get on with their lives and they cope with it.
“, she said. that There were increases in anxiety, depression and stress, also increases in paranoia and feelings of mistrust about other people
“Given that this happened after only three nights of sleep deprivation, that is pretty impressive.”
” he said. that We have more negative thoughts when we’re sleep-deprived and we get stuck in them,
This is thought to be the largest ever randomised controlled trial of a psychological treatment for mental health, and it strongly suggests
that insomnia can cause mental health problems rather than simply be a consequence of them.
He claims: “Making $60,000 (£48,400) more in annual income has less of an effect
on your daily happiness than getting one extra hour of sleep a night.”
Daniel Freeman, professor of clinical psychology at Oxford University, who led
that study thinks one of the reasons why sleep deprivation is so bad for our brains is because it encourages repetitive negative thinking.