[Trumps] Videos

Melania Trump’s Plane Forced to Return to Military Base After ‘Mechanical Issue’ First Lady Melania Trump’s plane had to make a sudden return Stephanie Grisham, Trump’s director of communications, via ‘USA Today’ About 15 minutes into the flight, smoke was visible and a burning smell was detectable inside the plane, The plane touched down shortly after 9 a.m. President Donald Trump, via
Fox Business Network Trump was traveling to Philadelphia for an event on opioid addiction, part of her ‘Be Best’ initiative.

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney told CBSN: “Donald Trump ruins a lot of things, he can’t ruin this,” heaping praise on the Philadelphia Eagles team, while firing off a scathing rebuke to the president.

Iran on Friday banned U.S. wrestlers from an important international tournament this month in response to President Donald Trump‘s executive order forbidding visas for Iranians, the official IRNA news agency reported.
IRNA quoted Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi as saying a special committee reviewed the case of the U.S.

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney told CBSN: “Donald Trump ruins a lot of things, he can’t ruin this,” heaping praise on the Philadelphia Eagles team, while firing off a scathing rebuke to the president.

LeBron James had strong words in response to President Donald Trump’s decision to un-invite the Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles to the White House on Tuesday.
“It’s typical of him. I’m not surprised,” the Cavaliers forward said during a press conference on Tuesday. “I know no matter who wins this series, no one wants to get invited anyways, so it won’t be Golden State or Cleveland going.”

What Do Jotted Talking Points Say About Trump’s Empathy?
In that case, in October, Ms. Johnson said she had been deeply offended by Mr. Trump’s words and tone, saying
that he had not referred to her husband by name, calling him only “your guy,” and had upset her by saying that Mr. Johnson “knew what he signed up for, but it hurts anyway.”
Colleagues said Mr. Trump’s notes on Wednesday were written by Hope Hicks, his communications director
and longtime aide, who had briefed the president along with Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the press secretary, before he attended the session.
He didn’t make me feel better in the slightest.”
Ms. Fuentes, who was left with a piece of shrapnel lodged behind her right eye, said Mr. Trump had called the gunman a “sick puppy”
and said “‘oh boy, oh boy, oh boy,’ like, seven times.”
The account of the call was reminiscent of the last time Mr. Trump drew public scrutiny for his
reaction to a tragedy, with his private condolence call to Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt.
I wouldn’t have been there if I didn’t think he cared.”
But another participant in the White House session, Samuel Zeif, an 18-year-old student at Stoneman Douglas High School who survived the shooting
and spoke tearfully at the White House on Wednesday of the experience, said Mr. Trump had done little to comfort or console him

A federal judge in Philadelphia on Friday ordered the Trump administration not to enforce new rules that could significantly reduce women’s access to free birth control.
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A Federal Judge In Philadelphia Blocks President Trump’s Birth Control Restrictions | TIME

Former Vice President Joe Biden talked with Stephen Colbert on Monday night, and, in regard to sitting president’s term, said, “I think it will, God willing, go down as the single exception in American history.”

Former Vice President Joe Biden appeared on CBS’ ‘Late Show with Stephen Colbert’ on Monday night, and, naturally, the topics of politics and President Trump came up. 
In regard to the sitting president’s term, Biden told Colbert, “I think it will, God willing, go down as the single exception in American history.” 
Biden also noted that while members of the outgoing administration generally give a new leader time to settle in before making them the subject of public comments and criticism, “There are certain things that, when they occur, you just can’t remain silent.” 
“Charlottesville, for me, was a moment where I thought silence would be complicity,” he continued. “To not have an outright, flat condemnation of that…I thought the silence was deafening.” 
In the wake of the August violence that saw rally participants including white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and other such groups and sympathizers clash with counter-protesters, taking the life of one, President Trump attributed the melee and its outcomes to “both sides.” 
Early in November, Biden, at a Philadelphia event hosted by Axios, specifically touched upon the effect president’s reactions to events like Charlottesville is having on the nation. 
He said that Trump’s divisive rhetoric is, “eating at the fabric at this country,” and has eroded the nation’s sense of civility. “You can disagree on issues but this has gotten so, sort of, coarse, so vile, so demeaning,” the former vice president noted. “And our children our listening.”
“This penchant for self-aggrandizement and this penchant for tweeting, this penchant to focus so specifically and eternally on what he does or doesn’t do, even if he was right about everything, is sending a message to all of you and sending a message to your younger siblings that is just totally inappropriate,” Biden said of Trump’s behavior at a mid-October event.

The Contradiction Buried in Trump’s Iran and North Korea Policies
Wendy said that If the President pulls back on the Iran deal, given Iranian compliance
If Mr. Trump makes good on his threat to pull out of the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran, how will he then convince the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un,
that America will honor the commitment to integrate North Korea into the world community if only it disarms — the demand Mr. Trump made from the podium of the United Nations.
20, 2017
President Trump is now fully engaged in two nuclear confrontations, one with Iran over a nuclear accord he finds an “embarrassment” and the other with North Korea
that is forcing the Pentagon to contemplate for the first time in decades what a resumption of the Korean War might look like.
If Mr. Morell is right — and no one will know until the North Korean regime collapses
and inspectors can assess the extent of its technology — Mr. Trump faces a problem far more urgent than the one that confronted President Barack Obama in Iran.
What is missing from this debate is obvious: If Mr. Tillerson extracted anything resembling the Iran agreement from North Korea,
it would mark a historic breakthrough, one any of the four previous American presidents would rightly have celebrated.
In the best case scenario, some administration officials say, the Trump administration would be lucky to win a nuclear “freeze”
that keeps North Korea from conducting more nuclear and missile tests.

PHILADELPHIA — President Donald Trump ordered Senate and House Republicans here to get to work: New trade deals, new construction projects, an Obamacare repeal and replacement, filling a Cabinet and a Supreme Court seat and reforming the tax code. But the business mogul-turned-president is getting a reality check from Congress, which can’t just wave through his agenda.