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For Audreys birthday we took a day trip from Madrid to Toledo where we visited the Alcázar de Toledo and ate a three course Spanish lunch.\r
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Visiting Toledo, Spain on Audreys Birthday Travel Video Transcript:\r
Well Hello, \r
So today is July 23rd. Which means it is my birthday! So Sam and I are going to take a little day trip. Weve been staying in Madrid but Toledo is only thirty minutes away by train. So were going to head out and have some birthday adventures in a new city.\r
Weve arrived and it is a beautiful train station. Time to get the birthday girl some lunch. Yes.\r
So we decided to walk into the city which was maybe a mistake considering it is almost forty degrees out. We should have just grabbed a taxi but at least they have these escalators that help you reach the summit of the center of the old town I guess. So yeah, it is nice being in the shade and not having to climb stairs.\r
It is kind of funny because just outside of the escalators are these old ruins. So you have something very modern and then you have the ruins right beside it. Yeah, quite the contrast.\r
So we made it to the top. And this is our reward. Check out these views.\r
Birthday girl, what is your starter? Alright, so we found a nice little restaurant and Ive ordered Gazpacho which is a cold tomato soup with onions, peppers and cucumbers. But you cant see any of that because it looks like theyve just liquefied it and turned it into a bit of a cream. But lets try it.\r
Refreshing? That is so refreshing on a day like today. And it is a little bit tart and tangy which I really like.\r
I could drink this out of a glass it is so good.\r
And what is your entree? Im trying something Ive never tried before. It is called Migas de Pastor. And if you look down here it has got meat, it has got some kind of breadcrumbs here and it also has veggies. I think these maybe peppers. Lets take a bite with the meat and the breadcrumbs. How is it? Its really good. I think that is a piece of like chorizo meat. Nice! Spicy!\r
And what does the birthday gal have?\r
So Im having a type of Tortilla which is basically potatoes and egg. Kind of like an omelette style meal. This also has ham in it. And Ive got some pork right underneath. Theyve soaked it in ketchup which Im not a huge fan of. But it is alright. I ually had this for breakfast today and that was a little bit better.\r
So I see your main dish has arrived. You know what, this is ually my favorite Spanish dish that Ive tried since Ive been to Spain. It is called Paella. Take a look down here. Were going to be doing a bit more of a dedicated video to this soon but for now you can basically know that it is a mixed type of rice with seafood and vegetables. Alright, lets take a bite of that.\r
And over here in Spain wine is like water. I had a choice between water and wine so I got my own bottle. I think I made the right decision.\r
Arent you glad we got about a thirty minute break in between our main course and dessert? What do you have? I am having flan. And I dont really know how to describe this dessert except to say that it is popular in South America and in Spain. And your Mom makes a really good flan. Yes, and the brown stuff you see it is kind of like caramelized sugar but I really cant explain the dessert itself because I have no idea what it is made with even though Ive eaten it my whole life.\r
So we are now visiting the Alcázar, which is the one building that dominates the city skyline. And they also have a really cool military museum. And normally I wouldnt be into that but because it is so hot outside it has ually been really nice being indoors with AC. Just learning a bit of the history by force.\r
Im beginning to realize that Spain is more of a winter destination. All weve been doing since weve come here is sweating like pigs.\r
So we are hiding indoors again. We found a little corner store with lots of fans and Popsicles. So trying to cool down here people.\r
So I think that is about all we can handle for today. So cooling off yet again with ice cream cones this time. And now were going to head back to the train station and try to get back to Madrid a little bit earlier than planned.\r
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network

Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Spain | Toledo Destination Spot – Tourism In Spain