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We have previously published the list of the most valuable companies in the world. However, it’s surprising that the list is very different from the current list of the most profitable companies.We would like to introduce you to the TOP 5 list of such companies. In this article you’ll learn what companies yielded the largest revenue in the last year.Watch video,

दुनिया में कई बड़ी कंपनियों का कारोबार छोटे देशों की जीडीपी से ज्यादा है. आइए जानते हैं कि उन कंपनियों के बारे में जो हर मिनट करोड़ों और एक दिन में अरबों रुपए की कमाई करती हैं. वीडियो में देखिए दुनिया में सबसे ज्यादा कमाई करने वाली टॉप 5 कंपनियां कौन सी हैं ?

#MostProfitableCompanies #Top5Companies #2019

Samsung Electronics is one of the places engineering students most want to work.
Samsung ranked eighth in this year’s list of the ‘World’s Most Attractive Employers’ released by global employer branding firm Universum.
It’s the company’s best ever ranking, and the fourth year in a row that it’s made the top ten.
The list was based on a survey of roughly 130-thousand engineering students in 12 countries including South Korea, the U.S., China and Japan.
U.S. tech giant Google came on top for the tenth straight year, followed by Microsoft and Apple.

Samsung Electronics is one of the world’s most popular employers for engineering students.
The firm ranked eighth in the list of ‘2019 World’s Most Attractive Employers’ released by a global employer branding firm Universum.
It’s Samsung Electronics’ best ever ranking, and the fourth year in a row that the firm has made the top ten.
The list was based on a survey of roughly 130-thousand engineering students in 12 countries including South Korea, the US, China and Japan.
Google came top for the 10th straight year, followed by Microsoft and Apple.

No.1 செல்போன் எது? | Top Brand Smart Phone companies | samsung | Nokia | Vivo | i phone | Mobile

Samsung has been listed as one of the world’s top 50 blockchain companies.
The ‘Forbes Blockchain 50’ list, released on Monday, revealed the top 50 large companies that are leading the way in adopting blockchain systems.
Forbes highlighted how Samsung uses blockchain in its integrated user authentication system, eliminating the inconvenience of having to log in each time.
An industry official said Samsung Electronics had introduced a ‘block chain key store’ application on smart phones and that Samsung affiliates are engaged in related R&D.
According to market research firm IDC, global spending related to blockchain this year is expected to reach 2-billion-9-hundred-million U.S. dollars.

Samsung has been listed as one of the world’s top 50 blockchain companies.
The ‘Forbes Blockchain 50’ list, released on Monday, revealed the top 50 large companies that are leading the way in adopting blockchain systems.
Forbes highlighted how Samsung uses blockchain in its integrated user authentication system, eliminating the inconvenience of having to log in each time.
An industry official said Samsung Electronics had introduced a ‘block chain key store’ application on smart phones and that Samsung affiliates are engaged in related R&D.
According to market research firm IDC, global spending related to blockchain this year is expected to reach 2-point-9-billion U.S. dollars.