[Ransomware] Videos

The video is a removal guide of Philadelphia ransomware (Russian Roulette virus) and includes demonstration of virus, removing and decryption tips. It adds to txt, jpg, bmp and other files .locked extension and changes files names.
More information about Philadelphia virus: http://pcfixhelp.net/viruses/3627-how-to-remove-philadelphia-ransomware-and-restore-the-encrypted-files
Philadelphia ransomware removal instruction
Step 1. Boot the system into safe mode
Step 2. Show all hidden files and folders
Step 3. Remove virus files
Check next folders to find suspicious files:
Step 4 (optional). Clean registry
Click Start
Type Regedit.exe and press Enter
Check next registry keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Userinit
Step 5. Check hosts file
Step 6. Scan computer by antivirus
Step 7. Disable Safe mode

Emsisoft decryptor: https://decrypter.emsisoft.com/philadelphia

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