[pregnancy] Videos

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The Harman Firm, P.C.
Attorneys and Counselors At Law
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Video Transcript:
Im often asked by a woman whos become pregnant what her rights are in the state of New York. And theres not a simple answer to that question. Its governed by state statutes and federal statutes, and most importantly by the employers guidelines as well. What an employer cant do is treat you differently because you are pregnant. A common misconception is that if you have complications because of your pregnancy you are also, under New York State Law, temporarily disabled. So, for instance, if you have thrombosis you are not only pregnant but you are also temporarily disabled which would trigger both gender discrimination laws in the state of New York as well as anti- discrimination laws based on disability. So, my best advice to a woman who has become pregnant and believes she is suffering adverse treatment in the workplace is to seek out the advice of an attorney as soon as possible. My name is Walker Harman. I am the managing attorney of the Harman Firm. If you believe that youve been the victim of illegal employment discrimination, we are eager to speak to you! Please give us a call.