[mistakes] Videos

When it comes to workplace safety basics, what are ten of the most common mistakes?

Ignoring Risks: Never ignore safety hazards, no matter how minor they seem.

Skipping Training: Do not allow employees to operate equipment or machinery without the proper training.

Overworking: Don’t require employees to work excessively long hours, which can lead to fatigue and increase the risk of accidents.

Neglecting Maintenance: Pay attention to the maintenance of equipment and facilities.

Misusing Tools: Only use tools or equipment for their designed function.

Skipping Personal Protective Equipment: Only operate machinery or handle hazardous materials with the proper safety equipment.

Ignoring Stress: Don’t ignore the mental health of employees. High stress levels can lead to mistakes that cause accidents.

Disregarding Safety Concerns: Do not ignore or downplay safety concerns raised by employees.

Overlooking Proper Storage: Pay attention to proper storage of flammable, hazardous, or heavy materials.

Rushing: Don’t rush. Taking the time to perform tasks carefully can prevent many accidents.

These are some general workplace safety objectives, but the specifics can vary greatly depending on the industry and nature of the work. It’s always best to consult with a professional or regulatory body to get detailed workplace safety requirements tailored to your situation.

If you’re looking for ways to improve workplace safety or increase employee engagement and organizational performance, then take the Workforce Alchemy Challenge at WorkforceAlchemy.com.

Apply to participate in the challenge, gain expert knowledge (for FREE), and earn up to $1000 worth of tools to help your business or department run better and faster without unnecessary drama or expense.  

Apply for the Workforce Alchemy Challenge: https://workforcealchemy.com/

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7 Signs You Will NEVER Be Rich – Avoid These 7 Mistakes
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What if I told you that there were 7 telltale signs that you will never be rich, would you want to know them? In this video, I will share with you 7 signs you will never be rich so that you can avoid these mistakes and realize financial success in your own life!


F A C E B O O K:


I S T A G R A M:

T W I T T E R :

⛑️ P I N T E R E S T


DISCLAIMER: I’m not a financial adviser. These videos are for educational purposes only. No official financial advice is being given. Please always check with a professional before making any investments or financial decisions. Your investments are your sole responsibility, these videos merely share my own opinions with no guarantee of gain or losses.
#akkytalk #motivationalvideo #motivation

Entertainment Companies That Screwed Over Their Fans

Do not repeat these mistakes if you are planning on starting your own business! In this episode’s list, WatchMojo is counting down the top 10 entertainment companies that screwed over their fans. The Discovery Channel is a surprising example of a company that disappointed its viewers! Wondering what other businesses let down their fans? Watch this video to find out!

10. Discovery Channel
9. Electronic Arts
8. CBS & Paramount
7. Konami
6. The Fine Bros
5. Sony
4. Nintendo

#companyfails #fans #angryfans

For most brands, YouTube is at the heart of their video content strategy. YouTube is the dominant video sharing and distribution site on the web and the best option for disseminating information, building brand awareness, and increasing traffic to your site. Basically, if you have customers online, you should be on YouTube.

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15 Money Mistakes. Are you making any of these? Live frugal and build wealth by being smart with your money. Dont live your life to impress others, or compare your finances to your neighbor. Good or bad their situation wont pay YOUR bills.\r
How We Stopped Living Paycheck to Paycheck \r
1. Compare Yourself to Others\r
2. Take MONEY Advice from Broke People\r
3. Not Read Fine Print\r
4. Neglect to Comparison Shop\r
5. Not Have Life Insurance\r
6. Rely On One Income Source\r
7. Eat Out More Often Than Not\r
8. Replace Things That Arent Broken\r
9. Neglect To Open Your Mail\r
10. Not Make A Budget\r
11. Leave Money Floating Unassigned\r
12. Forget to Budget FUN\r
13. Grocery Shop Hungry\r
14. No Emergency Fund\r
15. Have DEBT!\r
ツ S U B S C R I B E (its FREE)\r
Hey there! Im Dana. Im a wife and Mother to 4 kids, including twin boys and two girls. I work full time outside the home in finance as a Corporate Accountant, but enjoy sharing my personal and parenting journey online. We live in the Philadelphia area.\r
Follow Me Everywhere\r
Need to Cont Me?\r
2102 Kimberton Rd #79\r
Kimberton, PA 19442\r
*Please be advised that some of the links above may be affiliate links and I do receive a very small commission if you make a purchase using those links. I appreciate your support if you do, and if you dont – no worries. Were still buds. xo\r
Marty Gots a Plan Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)\r
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License\r

Research suggests that managers spend up to a third of their time having difficult conversations with employees – but they’re regularly cited as one of the things they dislike the most about their job.

We’ve picked out five of the most common mistakes that we make when having a difficult conversation – and handy some tips on how to avoid them.

1. Mistake #1: We fall into a combat mentality
When difficult conversations go wrong, it’s often because we’ve gone into combat mode and see the conversation as a battle that we’ve got to win. So set aside the battle fatigues and start looking for solutions.

2. Mistake #2: We oversimplify the problem
If the problem you’re facing were straightforward, then chances are you wouldn’t be where you are now. Take the time to dig a little deeper and get to grips with the real issues.

3. Mistake #3: We don’t have enough respect
Don’t be tempted to trivialize matters or dismiss the person’s feelings just because you wouldn’t react in the same way. Always to try to respect the person and the problem.

4. Mistake #4: We let our emotions get the better of us
Emotions like fear, anger or embarrassment can easily derail a conversation. So always keep your cool, state what you really want and focus on the outcome you want to achieve.

5. Mistake #5: We over-rehearse
If we think a conversation is going to be difficult, we tend to start rehearsing what we’re going to say. So while some preparation is a good thing, try to resist the temptation to plan too much – the conversation may well take you by surprise.

Learn how to turn that tough talk into a constructive dialogue with Dealing with difficult conversations from Skill Boosters.

UPTET exam is to be held on 15th of October. Before going to give exam, know what are the things you should do and what you shouldn’t. If you commits any mistake it will lead you to lifetime ban from giving TET Exam.

UPTET की परीक्षा 15 अक्टूबर से शुरू होने वाली है. इस परीक्षा के शुरू होने के पहले ज़रूरी है कि आप परीक्षा के नियमों को अच्छे से जान लें. अगर आपसे कोई भी गलती होती है तो आप पर आजीवन प्रतिबंध लग सकता है.