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South Korea’s tourism account deficit hit a record high in January,… as more people traveled out of the country than came in.
According to the Bank of Korea, the deficit reached two-point-one-six billion U.S. dollars in the first month of 2018.
Nearly three million Koreans traveled abroad in January alone,… up more than 22 percent from the previous year.
The number of inbound tourists dropped 22 percent,… despite China’s partial lifting of its ban on group tours to South Korea.

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U.S. economic activity picked up in recent weeks as a weather-related drag lifted, the Federal Reserve said on Wednesday. In its Beige Book report of anecdotal information on business activity collected from contacts nationwide, the U.S. central bank said eight of its 12 districts characterized growth as “modest to moderate.” Chicago reported that growth had picked up, while New York and Philadelphia said activity had rebounded from slowdowns related to severe weather earlier in the year.