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Rohit Bhargava presents at e-Patient Connections 2009.

Rohit Bhargava is a founding member of the 360 Digital Influence group at Ogilvy and author of the best selling new book Personality Not Included, a guide on how to use personality to reinvent your marketing that has been published globally in 8 versions. He publishes the “Influential Marketing” blog, which AdAge ranks among the top 50 marketing blogs in the world, and has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, and other global media. Rohit teaches Global Communications at Georgetown University and is a frequent keynote speaker on marketing and business.

SAVE THE DATES: e-Patient Connections 2010!
The conference that generated all the buzz last year will return to the Philadelphia Hyatt Bellevue from September 27-29, 2010. Make sure to sign-up for all the updates at http://www.epatient2010.com.