[Goth] Videos

Activated charcoal gives this non-caffeinated drink a jet-black hue at Rawberry Juice cafe in Winchester.

Activated charcoal gives this non-caffeinated drink a jet-black hue at Rawberry Juice cafe in Winchester.

Hello, lovelies! Since the last goth question, “Can You Be A Goth Without The Music?” another question has been floating around the interwebs: “Okay. So how many bands should a goth listen to in order to be a goth?” So once again, I have an answer for you AND some goth photos to share.


“Ignore The Machine” by Alien Sex Fiend

“God Save The Queen” by Sex Pistols


1. Guy lighting cigarette (via vintag.es): http://www.vintag.es/2016/05/soviet-c…

2. Girls sitting on crates; 3. Sitting on the curb; and 4. High school pic (via blackroomsociety.com): http://www.blackroomsociety.com/uncat…

5. Girls in white dresses & 6. Girl in black shirt (via Pinterest): https://www.pinterest.com/pin/9056464…

7. Al Jourgensen in suit & 8. Al Jourgensen with girl (via post-punk.com): http://www.post-punk.com/black-celebr…

9. Girls standing against wall (via thepinsta.com): http://www.thepinsta.com/1980s-goth_C…

10. Guys sitting at seaside (by Pinimg.com): http://www.thepinsta.com/1980s-goth_C…

EYE: “Conform!.. Obey!… Slogans For Consumer Youth.” – Australian electro-Industrial EBM CyberGoth CyberPunk Electronic Body Music – inspired by ’80s Nitzer Ebb, Front 242, Skinny Puppy, Ministry, Laibach & Severed Heads… It has received good amounts of radio play & inclusion on several compilation CDs. Get high-quality audio of this for free via: http://www.EyeMusic.info

Also see: http://www.AustralianGothicIndustrialMusic.com/bands/eye-band-music-songs.html

There are other parts to this track to be released on following albums… There’s also a version with female vocals but the mix wasn’t quite right; yet 😉

Electro-Industrial music, Industrial music band, EBM music, Electronic Body Music (Musical Genre), Militant Industrial Music, CyberPunk Music, CyberGothic music, CyberGothic band, Australian Industrial Music, Australian Industrial Music Band, Australian CyberPunk Music, Australian CyberGothic Band, Australian CyberGothic Music, Australian EBM Music, Australian EBM band, Australian Electronic Body Music, Australian Political Industrial Music.

Mus rec: ’01