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In one article in BlackPressUSA, E. Faye Williams, the president and chief executive of the National Congress of Black Women, suggested Mr. Cosby was being unfairly judged in a country where President Trump has apologized for saying
that his celebrity put him in a position to grab women in their genital area, a comment he later described as “locker room talk.”
“If the president of the United States can go on working in the White House after he has bragged about doing gross, sexually explicit and abusive things to women, without their permission, then justice requires
that Bill Cosby should not be punished, unless he is convicted of crimes,” Ms. Williams said.
An Effort to Change Cosby ‘Optics’ as Trial Nears –
Six weeks ahead of Bill Cosby’s trial on sexual assault charges, one of his lawyers, Angela Agrusa, said in an interview released Wednesday
that one focus of her defense will be to change the “optics” for a defendant who she said many people have already decided is guilty of abusing women.
That strategy seemed apparent when one of Mr. Cosby’s daughters released a statement defending her father
and Mr. Cosby himself gave a rare interview for an article that led with a depiction of his blindness.
And Ms. Agrusa in a separate interview made clear that she hoped to change public opinion as part of her defense of Mr. Cosby, who faces charges
that he drugged and assaulted a Temple University staff member in his home north of Philadelphia in 2004.

In one article in BlackPressUSA, E. Faye Williams, the president and chief executive of the National Congress of Black Women, suggested Mr. Cosby was being unfairly judged in a country where President Trump has apologized for saying
that his celebrity put him in a position to grab women in their genital area, a comment he later described as “locker room talk.”
“If the president of the United States can go on working in the White House after he has bragged about doing gross, sexually explicit and abusive things to women, without their permission, then justice requires
that Bill Cosby should not be punished, unless he is convicted of crimes,” Ms. Williams said.
An Effort to Change Cosby ‘Optics’ as Trial Nears –
Six weeks ahead of Bill Cosby’s trial on sexual assault charges, one of his lawyers, Angela Agrusa, said in an interview released Wednesday
that one focus of her defense will be to change the “optics” for a defendant who she said many people have already decided is guilty of abusing women.
That strategy seemed apparent when one of Mr. Cosby’s daughters released a statement defending her father
and Mr. Cosby himself gave a rare interview for an article that led with a depiction of his blindness.
And Ms. Agrusa in a separate interview made clear that she hoped to change public opinion as part of her defense of Mr. Cosby, who faces charges
that he drugged and assaulted a Temple University staff member in his home north of Philadelphia in 2004.
Mr. Wyatt said that Evin Cosby, the youngest of his children, had decided on her own to come forward with a statement
that was sent to four media outlets — The Hollywood Reporter, BlackPressUSA, CNN and ABC News — that he said Ms. Cosby had selected.

“Treat Her Like Candy & Black Coffee” Delta Deep@Ortleibs Bar Philadelphia 3/29/16

Interprete: Amanda Lear, nome d’arte di Amanda Tapp
Nazionalità Francia
Italia (Hong Kong, 18 novembre 1939)
Periodo di attività 1975 – in attività
Sito ufficiale: http://www.amandalear.com/
Etichetta: Polydor Records. La Polydor Records è un’etichetta discografica con sede in Inghilterra. Dal 2010 è di proprietà dell’Universal Music Group. La sede italiana si trovava invece a Milano.
Catalogo: 2060 145
Data di pubblicazione: Giugno 1977
Matrici: 2060 145-A 2060 145-B
Supporto:vinile 45 giri
Tipo audio: Stereo
Dimensioni: 17,5 cm.
Facciate: 2
Lato A
Autori: – A. Lear, R. Pietsch / Arrangatore: R. Pietsch
Lato B
The Lady In Black
Autori: – A. Lear, A. Monn / Arrangatore: H. Faltermeier
Il disco: Il disco uscì per le etichette discografiche Polydor, Columbia Records e Ariola Records e fu prodotto da Anthony Monn. Il 45 giri raggiunse il primo posto delle classifiche in Italia, dove risultò il 13° singolo più venduto del 1977.
Nello stile musicale, si evincono influenze dei Boney M e della disco music prima maniera del Philadelphia Sound.
Il brano partecipò a Un disco per l’estate 1977.
Una cover in versione rock del brano, venne incisa, con il titolo di Tomorrow (Voulez vous un rendez vous) dai CCCP Fedeli alla linea assieme ad Amanda Lear nel 1988

Artist: Amanda Lear, stage name of Amanda Tapp
Nationality France
 Italy (Hong Kong, November 18, 1939)
Period of activity 1975 – in business
Official site: http://www.amandalear.com/
Label: Polydor Records. Polydor Records is a record label based in England. Since 2010 it is owned by Universal Music Group. The Italian head office was located in Milan instead.
Catalog: 2060 145
Publication date: June 1977
Matrices: 2060 145-A 2060 145-B
Support: 45 rpm vinyl
Audio Type: Stereo
Dimensions: 17.5 cm.
Facades: 2
side A
Author: – A. Lear, R. Pietsch / Arrangatore: R. Pietsch
Side B
The Lady In Black
Author: – A. Lear, A. Monn / Arrangatore: H. Faltermeier
The record: The record was released on the Polydor record label, Columbia Records and Ariola Records and was produced by Anthony Monn. The 45s reached number one on the charts in Italy, where it turned the 13th best selling single of 1977.
In musical style, they are deduced influences of Boney M and disco music first manner of Philadelphia Sound.
The song participated in a disc for the summer 1977.
A cover in a rock version of the song was recorded, with the title of Tomorrow (Voulez vous un rendez vous) from CCCP Fedeli to the line together with Amanda Lear in 1988