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LIVE | From the South: We are joined live from Venezuela by Dr. Blessed Ngwenya, a professor at University of South Africa to talk about demands by CARICOM countries for reparations from European countries for their role in colonial slavery. And at least 6 police officers have been shot in the US city of Philadelphia. More on these and other stories now.


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“There’s been a shift in consumer spending from things to experiences,” she said, “that’s why restaurants are doing so well.”
A version of this article appears in print on April 8, 2017, on Page B2 of the New York edition
with the headline: Retail Payrolls Sustain a New Blow as Technology Alters Shopping Habits.
Retail Payrolls Sustain a New Blow as Shopping Habits Shift –
Doors at many Macy’s, Sears and J. C. Penney stores may still be open, but some of the jobs they once supported are starting to vanish.
General merchandise stores shed 34,700 jobs in March, the government announced Friday,
the single most disappointing figure in a generally disappointing jobs report.
You don’t need as many people walking around trying to convince you to buy a sweater.”
The vitality of the retail sector has been muscled out of the spotlight lately by a focus on better-paying manufacturing jobs,
which President Trump sees as crucial to the revival of the middle class, particularly in the Midwest and the South.
We shop differently now, and no one has the right model.”
Most shopping is still done in person rather than online, but shopping patterns are shifting.

Here is another great song by one of Sam Lanin’s many bands, this time under the abovementoned denomination. Sam (C.) Lanin (1891-1977) was an American jazz bandleader.Lanin’s brothers, Howard and Lester, were also bandleaders, and all of them had sustained, successful careers in music. Lanin was one of ten children born to Russian-Jewish immigrants who emigrated to Philadelphia in the decade of the 1900s. Sam played clarinet and violin while young, and in 1912 he was offered a spot playing in Victor Herbert’s orchestra, where he played through World War I. After the war he moved to New York City and began playing at the Roseland Ballroom in late 1918. There he established the Roseland Orchestra; this ensemble recorded for the Columbia Gramophone Company in the early 1920s. Sam recorded with a plethora of ensemble arrangements, under names such as Lanin’s Jazz Band, Lanin’s Arcadians, Lanin’s Famous Players, Lanin’s Southern Serenaders, Lanin’s Red Heads, Sam Lanin’s Dance Ensemble, and Lanin’s Arkansaw Travelers. He did not always give himself top billing in his ensemble’s names, and was a session leader for an enormous number of sweet jazz recording sessions of the 1920s. Among the ensembles he directed were Ladd’s Black Aces, The Broadway Bell-Hops, The Westerners, The Pillsbury Orchestra and Bailey’s Lucky Seven. He had a rotating cast of noted musicians playing with him, including regular appearances from Phil Napoleon, Miff Mole, Jules Levy Jr. and Red Nichols, as well as Jimmy Dorsey, Tommy Dorsey, Manny Klein, Jimmy McPartland, Bix Beiderbecke, Eddie Lang, Bunny Berigan, Nick Lucas and Frankie Trumbauer. Lanin did little actual playing on these records; his main contributions were clean, well-orchestrated arrangements and session directions. In addition to his recordings, he also played regularly on radio after 1923, and the Roseland Orchestra played on New York radio weekly every Monday from 1923 to 1925. He entered into a sponsorship with Bristol-Myers for their toothpaste, Ipana; as a result, his ensemble was renamed The Ipana Troubadors. In 1928 and 1929, Lanin recorded with Bing Crosby. The 1929 stock market crash hit Sam Lanin hard, unlike his brother Lester; in 1931, he lost his contract with Bristol-Meyers, his radio show and the name Ipana Troubadors. By the middle of the 1930s, Sam was spending much of his time cutting transcription discs. While his fame had waned, he was still well off from the money he saved in the 1920s and retired from the music business by the end of the 1930s. He was essentially forgotten at the same time Lester went on to stardom. He died in 1977, having never returned to music. This lovely recording was made in 1927. Vocal by Harold ‘Scrappy’ Lambert.