[Beaches] Videos

Attractions of Adult beaches in Romania, Europe.(naked beaches in Romania )

Take a tour of Cape Town Beaches in South Africa – part of the World’s Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.

The South African city of Cape Town is reputed to have some of the most illustrious beaches in the world.

To accompany the great shores are the flamboyant and colorful beach cabins that add to the delightful personality of these beaches.

Cape Town is the site where the convergence of two oceans – The Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean takes place.

This unique feature creates two distinct styles of beach stemming from these two vastly different bodies of water.

For the hip and trendy, the Atlantic Ocean beaches are a must and those looking for solitude should head to the beaches on the side of the Indian Ocean.

Cape Town has earned many Blue Flag Beach honors due to the quality of water and cleanliness.

Koh Kood Island – SEA SNAIL SASHIMI + Best Beaches and Attractions | Food Travel Guide!

http://sithoniagreece.com Discover the hidden paradise in Sithonia, Halkidiki (Chalkidiki) Greece! Sithonia is the place to go if you like secluded, private beaches, crystal clear waters, a perfect mountain backdrop to look at – and not a lot of people to obscure the view… Better visit before the secret is out… But maybe you wonder where to go, how to find accommodations etc. Check out this site for more information: www.sithoniagreece.com

Koh Kood Island – SEA SNAIL SASHIMI + Best Beaches and Attractions | Food Travel Guide!

Popular Destinations in Thailand: # Phuket # Pattaya # Ko samui # Bangkok # Chiang Mai # Patong # Ko Pha Ngan # Koh Tao # Hua Hin # Khao Lak # Ko Lanta

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Albany – The most beautiful beaches and tourist attractions. Western Australian Holidays. Amazing clear blue waters and rocks, see the natural bridge and natural gap. Taken on a Panasonic Lumix.

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