[asylum] Videos

Walter spends most of his waking hours playing with action figures, eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew, contemplating his depressing and lonely life. His friend Mike tries to set him up with Melissa, but when things go wrong, Walter starts to realize something about all the people in his life…

Writer and Director: Sam Sherburne
Walter: Ryan Hetrick
Mike: Johnny Smith
Melissa: Kayla Dempsey
Scene/Sound/Lighting Tech: Brandon Beale
Lighting Op: Brandon Beale and Dave Hunter
Stage Manager: D.C. Fisher

Acorn Asylum, a Philadelphia-based group of actors, writers and technicians, is proud to present all-original sketch comedy and dramatic theater. All of our plays and comedic sketches are totally original; both group created and group performed. Go to www.acornasylum.com to find out more.

Walter spends most of his waking hours playing with action figures, eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew, contemplating his depressing and lonely life. His friend Mike tries to set him up with Melissa, but when things go wrong, Walter starts to realize something about all the people in his life…

Writer and Director: Sam Sherburne
Walter: Ryan Hetrick
Mike: Johnny Smith
Melissa: Kayla Dempsey
Scene/Sound/Lighting Tech: Brandon Beale
Lighting Op: Brandon Beale and Dave Hunter
Stage Manager: D.C. Fisher

Acorn Asylum, a Philadelphia-based group of actors, writers and technicians, is proud to present all-original sketch comedy and dramatic theater. All of our plays and comedic sketches are totally original; both group created and group performed. Go to www.acornasylum.com to find out more.

Walter spends most of his waking hours playing with action figures, eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew, contemplating his depressing and lonely life. His friend Mike tries to set him up with Melissa, but when things go wrong, Walter starts to realize something about all the people in his life…

Writer and Director: Sam Sherburne
Walter: Ryan Hetrick
Mike: Johnny Smith
Melissa: Kayla Dempsey
Scene/Sound/Lighting Tech: Brandon Beale
Lighting Op: Brandon Beale and Dave Hunter
Stage Manager: D.C. Fisher

Acorn Asylum, a Philadelphia-based group of actors, writers and technicians, is proud to present all-original sketch comedy and dramatic theater. All of our plays and comedic sketches are totally original; both group created and group performed. Go to www.acornasylum.com to find out more.

Sam and Ryan (Richard and Jerry) work on “The Slap” just before a production of “Beyond the Lion’s Den.

Join our heros Whitcomb P. McCoy, the country lawyer, his simple friend Doyle and Doyle’s chicken-son Ed as they get pulled over by a cop, enjoy some invisible banjo playing and sip a little moonshine.

(Please excuse any flubbed lines, wonky lighting or any other odd things. All sketch taping are taken from rehersals.)

Whitcomb P. McCoy: Johnny Smith
Doyle: Sam Sherburne
Ed: Ryan Hetrick
Cop: Zac Ross
Sketch Author: D.C. Fisher

Acorn Asylum, a Philadelphia-based group of actors, writers and technicians, is proud to present all-original sketch comedy and dramatic theater. All of our plays and comedic sketches are totally original; both group created and group performed. Go to www.acornasylum.com to find out more.

A couple of Pritch’s friends screw with him when he tries, in vain, to come over to their house for beer and partying. Will we see the “Pritchard Face”? Watch and see.

(Please excuse any flubbed lines, wonky lighting and other such oddities. All sketches are taped during rehersal.)

Pritch: Johnny Smith
Kevan: Sam Shurburne
Mark: Zac Ross
Matt: D.C. Fisher
Lighting Tech: Dave Hunter (Thanks a lot Dave)
Sketch Author: Ryan Hetrick

Acorn Asylum, a Philadelphia-based group of actors, writers and technicians, is proud to present all-original sketch comedy and dramatic theater. All of our plays and comedic sketches are totally original; both group created and group performed. Go to www.acornasylum.com to find out more.

Join “Western PA Talk Radio” host Darvey Davenport and his guest, famed turkey caller Preston Pittman as they demonstate turkey calls, learn Western PA vocabulary and get sexual advice. EAT HER BEAN!

Darvey Davenport: Johnny Smith
Preston Pittman: Zac Ross
Lighting Tech: Brandon Beale
Sketch Author: Johnny Smith

(Please excuse any screwed up lines, wonky lighting or other things you might notice. All sketches are from rehersals.)

Acorn Asylum, a Philadelphia-based group of actors, writers and technicians, is proud to present all-original sketch comedy and dramatic theater. All of our plays and comedic sketches are totally original; both group created and group performed. Go to www.acornasylum.com to find out more.

We continue our adventures with Whitcomb P McCoy, the country lawyer, Doyle, his simple friend and Doyle’s chicken-son Ed as they attend a Philadelphia Eagles game and run afoul of one of the Eagles biggest fans.

Whitcomb: Johnny Smith
Doyle: Sam Sherburne
Ed: Ryan Hetrick
Eagles Fan: Zac Ross
Sketch Author: D.C. Fisher

Acorn Asylum, a Philadelphia-based group of actors, writers and technicians, is proud to present all-original sketch comedy and dramatic theater. All of our plays and comedic sketches are totally original; both group created and group performed. Go to www.acornasylum.com to find out more.

A young couple try to enjoy a drive in the country. He wants “Low Rider” by Tone Loc. She wants “Like a Prayer” by Madonna. What happens when the bicyclist and badass bikers pull up beside them?

Young Man: Zac Ross
Young Woman: Lauren McCaffrey
Bicyclist: Ryan Hetrick
Biker #1: Johnny Smith
On the Bitch Seat: Sam Sherburne
Lighting Tech: Dave Hunter
Sketch Author(s): Zac Ross and Lauren McCaffrey

(Please excuse any screwed up lines, wonky lighting or other things you might notice. All sketches are from rehersals.)

Acorn Asylum, a Philadelphia-based group of actors, writers and technicians, is proud to present all-original sketch comedy and dramatic theater. All of our plays and comedic sketches are totally original; both group created and group performed. Go to www.acornasylum.com to find out more.

Failed actor Jerry Jankowski has decided to hang himself and end his misery, brought on by the scathing reviews of critic Richard Winklewonkledorf. Just as he puts his head in the noose, a terrified man knocks at his door, informing him that he’s being persued by a lion. Who is this man, and what does the lion have to do with it? Watch this fantastic one act play from Acorn Asylum and find out.

Writer and Director: Johnny Smith
Jerry Jankowski: Ryan Hetrick
Man: Sam Sherburne
Light/Sound/Scene Design: Brandon Beale
Lighting Tech: Brandon Beale and Dave Hunter
Stage Manager: D.C. Fisher

Acorn Asylum, a Philadelphia-based group of actors, writers and technicians, is proud to present all-original sketch comedy and dramatic theater. All of our plays and comedic sketches are totally original; both group created and group performed. Go to www.acornasylum.com to find out more.

Failed actor Jerry Jankowski has decided to hang himself and end his misery, brought on by the scathing reviews of critic Richard Winklewonkledorf. Just as he puts his head in the noose, a terrified man knocks at his door, informing him that he’s being persued by a lion. Who is this man, and what does the lion have to do with it? Watch this fantastic one act play from Acorn Asylum and find out.

Writer and Director: Johnny Smith
Jerry Jankowski: Ryan Hetrick
Man: Sam Sherburne
Light/Sound/Scene Design: Brandon Beale
Lighting Tech: Brandon Beale and Dave Hunter
Stage Manager: D.C. Fisher

Acorn Asylum, a Philadelphia-based group of actors, writers and technicians, is proud to present all-original sketch comedy and dramatic theater. All of our plays and comedic sketches are totally original; both group created and group performed. Go to www.acornasylum.com to find out more.

Famed sage Sam Sherburne delights the audience with his Shakespearian rendition of the famed poem “Baby Got Back”.

Sam Sherburen: The Urban Lyricist

Acorn Asylum, a Philadelphia-based group of actors, writers and technicians, is proud to present all-original sketch comedy and dramatic theater. All of our plays and comedic sketches are totally original; both group created and group performed. Go to www.acornasylum.com to find out more.