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Uber Fires 20 Amid Investigation Into Workplace Culture –
Uber has fired more than 20 employees in conjunction with an internal investigation into its workplace culture, according to a current Uber employee.
Uber has hired former United States Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.
and his law firm, Covington & Burling, to conduct an independent investigation of those claims and Uber’s overall culture.
Uber’s terminations announced on Tuesday stem from a separate investigation conducted by Perkins Coie, another law firm hired by Uber.
Lawyers from Perkins Coie consulted with Uber on the internal investigation, and Uber acted upon that firm’s recommendations.
Other employees reported systemic issues within Uber, where a premium was placed on strong performance
and growth, often at the expense of other workplace behavior.

Pope Francis arrived in Philadelphia Saturday morning–the final stop on his historic, three-city U.S. trip. Crowds gathered at dawn there amid high security as Francis prepared to promote religious freedom in the birthplace of American independence. The city awoke to 8-foot-tall mesh fences, concrete barriers and bike racks lining the streets. Airport-style security — including TSA agents — was installed for the pontiff’s visit. He arrived at the City of Brotherly Love after taking off from from New York’s JFK airport at 9:10 a.m.

Some of America’s top tech students from colleges like Harvard, MIT, and Georgia Tech are not as interested in working for Facebook. Veuer’s Natasha Abellard has the story.

Donald Trump canceled the Philadelphia Eagles’ White House visit yesterday. The move came as most of the team’s players and coaches planned on boycotting the trip over the president’s demands that they stand for the national anthem at NFL games.

Donald Trump canceled the Philadelphia Eagles’ White House visit yesterday. The move came as most of the team’s players and coaches planned on boycotting the trip over the president’s demands that they stand for the national anthem at NFL games.

A masked man in a green football jersey smashed a window at Macy’s in downtown Philadelphia, seen in this video, but another Eagles fan blocked anyone trying to gain access to the store until police arrived within minutes of the February 4 incident.

Thousands of fans flocked to downtown after Eagles beat the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl, the city’s first football championship since 1960, and there were damage reports that included an overturned car, smashed store windows, toppled streetlights and graffiti, a news report said. Fans climbed light poles and the awning at the Ritz-Carlton hotel. The awning later collapsed, and several light poles also fell over.

Three people were arrested amid the celebration.

This video’s uploader said there was no looting at the Macy’s. Credit: @xwithmywoes via Storyful