Prescott Antique Auto Club’s 45th Annual Watson Lake Show

Sandy Moss is speaking with Scott Hein and Charles Rulofson about Prescott Antique Auto Club’s 45th Annual Watson Lake Show. This event is held the first full weekend of every August, and is a definite hit with car fans! It’s more than just a car show. It is also a parts exchange, old engine fire-up, and a Car Corral. General admission is only $5 per person, which is good for both days. There is also ample free parking. If you want to display your classic or antique car or truck on Saturday the cost is $25 per vehicle (1994 and older) and $10 on Sunday. For $20 you can bring out any vehicle to put up for sale in the Car Corral. There is something for everyone here! The event takes place August 3-4, 2019 starting at 8 am. For more information go to

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