Petra – Great Attractions (Jordan)

Take a tour of Petra in Jordan – part of the World’s Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.

The red rocks of Petra form one of the most historic and archeologically important cities in human history.

First discovered by the western world in 1812, this city was once the capital of the ancient Nabataean people.

Petra is located in Jordan, and is the country’s most visited tourist site.

An artificial oasis helped make this city the center of caravan trade and aided the people in building their fortresses.

The buildings in the area are a result of cutting directly into the rocks and cliffs surrounding Petra.

Magnificent amphitheaters, The Monastery and the Treasury are some of the rose-red architectural highlights.

The BBC put Petra on the list of “40 Places You Have To See Before You Die.”

Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985, and an important part of Middle Eastern culture for thousands of years.

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