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Philadelphia experienced its fourth Nor’easter in just the past 21 days. Schools were closed, tourists were turned away, but locals and Accuweather’s Jonathan Petramala still found a way to appreciate the snowfall.

Philadelphia experienced its fourth Nor’easter in just the past 21 days. Schools were closed, tourists were turned away, but locals and Accuweather’s Jonathan Petramala still found a way to appreciate the snowfall.


BeardMeatsFood takes on a humongous challenge of his own creation. When the owners of Huckleberrys American diner asked me to help create a food challenge for their new restaurant in Yeadon, I jumped at the chance.\r
A 5lb Philly Cheese Steak, stuffed with mushrooms and onions, accompanied by 1lb of tical chocolate ice cream and two pints of root beer. \r
40 minute to complete, and be the first on their new wall of fame!\r

‘The Herd’ on F-S-1 host Colin Cowherd says that despite what some viewers think, he loves Philly sports fans for their incredible passion.

Top 5 Companies Owned By Coca Cola (KO)
Simply includes its main product, orange juice, and several other juice and beverge lines, such as lemonade, apple juice and grapefruit juice.
With Coca-Cola’s global distribution system and Monster’s popular products, expect increasing
energy drink revenues from the new international distribution agreements.
One of the most valuable pieces of Coca-Cola’s unique business model is its global distribution system through independent bottlers.
Minute Maid is one of Coca-Cola’s valued billion-dollar brands
and will continue to help it cater to consumers who want healthier options, such as juice.
By purchasing respected brands, Coca-Cola has been able to respond quickly to changes in consumer tastes
toward healthier options, sports drinks and energy drinks and away from sugary soft drinks.
Monster transferred all of its non-energy drink businesses to Coca-Cola, including
Hansen’s natural sodas, Peace Tea, Hubert’s Lemonade, and Hansen’s juice products.

To Understand Rising Inequality, Consider the Janitors at Two Top Companies, Then and Now
The $16.60 per hour Ms. Ramos earns as a janitor at Apple works out to about
the same in inflation-adjusted terms as what Ms. Evans earned 35 years ago.
The company estimates 1.5 million people work in the “app economy,” building and maintaining the mobile applications used on Apple products.
“Firms would try to set pay so that the gap between the security guard or administrative assistant and senior V. P.
wasn’t as great as you might expect, essentially by paying lower- and middle-skill workers more than they were probably worth on the market.”
Linda DiStefano applied for a secretarial job at Kodak during Easter week of her senior year in high school in 1968,
and was hired to start immediately after her graduation for $87.50 a week, today’s equivalent of $32,000 a year.
But a generation ago, big companies also more often directly employed people who installed products, moved goods around warehouses, worked as security guards
and performed many of the other jobs needed to get products into the hands of consumers.

Companies who give 15 fully paid weeks of maternity leave or more.

Executives from Facebook, Twitter and Google will testify in Congress about how Russia used social media to influence the 2016 presidential election. CBSN political contributor and Associated Press White House correspondent Zeke Miller talks to CBSN about what to expect.