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A filmer captured a Philadelphia police officer striking at a protester with a baton during a rally against family separations on June 19.

Hundreds of people protesting against family separations gathered outside the Rittenhouse Hotel where Vice President Mike Pence was speaking, according to news reports.

“The incident occurred at a peaceful protest during which Americans gathered to protest family separations at the border and in detention centers,” the filmer Daisy Confoy said. “Police officers became violent when protesters linked arms to prevent an unmarked security car from moving through the middle of the crowd.”

“In the video, one police officer is seen repeatedly beating a protester, who is out of the frame but clearly on the ground, with his baton,” Confoy said.

The video was taken near Rittenhouse Square at 19th and Walnut at approximately 7:00 p.m.


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Venerable Lama Losang Samten walks us through the symbolism and meaning in The Wheel of Life, an ancient Buddhist sand mandala. Samten is a Tibetan-American scholar, sand mandala artist, former Buddhist monk, and Spiritual Director of the Tibetan Buddhist Center of Philadelphia. He is the author of Ancient Teachings in Modern Times: Buddhism in the 21st Century (

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Transcript: My name is Losang Samten. I’m from Tibet, born in Tibet and then fled Tibet in 1959 at the age of 5. I came to Nepal first and then eventually came to India. And so I grew up in India and then eventually came to the United States in 1988. Ever since then I’ve been creating a lot of ancient Tibetan sand mandalas. Of course all the mandalas are tradition but some of the mandalas are such – all are so beautiful but sometimes it’s hard to explain for the general public who do not have that much background of Buddhists and Buddhist philosophy.

What I’m showing to you here this image is called Wheel of Life. In our language it’s called srid pa’i ‘khor lo. The wheel of life which in many ways is fascinating and also me as an artist to display this art in the schools, especially the schools and kids can understand a lot better and not only just intellectually understand better but something to relate to in their life. So what is in the Wheel of Life in the mandala or in design, the middle there’s three animals. And the three animals are a snake, a rooster and pig. Three animals are there. They’re also chasing to each other, connecting to each other which means what is their causes of suffering? What makes us so difficult? What makes our wheel so stressful? So each animal means something. Not the animal itself but represents something what we’re going through on a day to day basis.

So the pig represents the ignorance, lots are due to our emotions, special negative emotions and the difficulties and frustrations and even killing each other are due to the ignorance – not seeing the true nature of the reality. And unfortunately sometimes we as a pure teaching either Buddhism or Christianity and Judaism and Islam and all of this, even though due to how to peace – due to how to create human peace and happiness but some individuals due to the ignorance use as a killing tool in the name of the religion. So it’s the pig, the animal, which in the middle symbolizes ignorance.

Two other animals are there too and the snake represents the anger. Hatred is such a big problem in my life or anybody’s life in today and the past due to our relationships, due to anything – anger is really damaging. When Buddha designed this what was original was a pig and a snake. In the rooster case we really don’t know if the original was a rooster or a pigeon. There’s a little different – scholars have a different interpretations. So that’s why when I draw sand mandalas sometimes I draw it as a rooster, sometimes I draw it as a pigeon to both will be happy. No too much conflicts. And so the pigeon represents – either the pigeon or the rooster represents the greed, the greed, the greed. We see that today in the twenty-first century and so much greed and all these problems in the modern society.

Damaging for the environment, damaging for many different things is truly greed. So which I said earlier in the beginning of my conversation these are the three – the ignorance and the greed and the anger are the difficult ones. So these are the causes of the suffering. Suffering rises from nothingness. Suffering rises from due to something there previously, something happened and because of that and rises. So that’s why the wheel of life is so famous in the Buddhist field and especially in Tibet or Mongolia and Bhutan or some of the ancient Buddhist temples, wheel of life is in the campus.

In a way the monastery or nunnery is like your university. So big campus. In Tibet one monastery is like a 20,000 or 30,000 monks who are living there and study there, debate there and that’s they’re home. So either in the library or meditation room, somewhere wheel of life is always they paint it in the big wall. So that’s the middle of the design of the wheel of life. And the second design there and now I’m talking about the middle. And the second circle of the wheel of life there is black and white or day and night sort of it symbolizes. More of these three animals, there’s more difficulties, less of those – there’s more joy. So sometimes we call it as good karma and bad karma.
[Transcript truncated]

Directed / Produced by Jonathan Fowler, Dillon Fitton, and Elizabeth Rodd

Growing up with boxing.

Patrick Byrne: Well boy I learned a lot. I learned a lot from martial arts. I was . . . I’m the youngest of three sons, and both my brothers are bigger than I am. I grew up regularly having my ass whipped. And so the only sports I ever wanted to do were learning to defend myself — wrestling, judo, boxing, jujitsu, karate. Boy you learn a lot of things. First . . . And besides all the disciplines and techniques and such, you learn that size doesn’t matter. It’s often . . . There’s pressure points, there’s vulnerabilities that somebody has that you have to identify. And you have to identify where your own are and really devote your resources so to speak to protecting yourself there. I also . . . I’ll tell you a great boxing story. Did you ever . . . ever hear of the Poppy Rollins story? When I was trying to make it as a boxer, my . . . I was going to be the Great White Dope. I lived out in New Jersey and trained hard, and I . . . I boxed as a teenager, but later in my late 20s I decided I was gonna be a world heavyweight champ. Now I gave it a good shot, got beat up a lot. But the whole time I was trying I was hearing about this guy, this manager, who they used to tell me about named Poppy Rollins. And Poppy Rollins, “He’s a holy terror, Patrick. Oh gosh, you’ll never see this guy as . . . This guy from Puerto Rico. He’s a holy terror.” And he had this incredible knockout record and such. I kept hearing about Poppy Rollins. Well when I . . . when I got beat up the last time and decided I’d had enough — I wasn’t . . . there were easier ways to make a living — I went . . . I was throwing . . . hanging up my gloves. And my coach, this guy called me, Mr. Anton, the last day. And he said, “Hey! Poppy Rollins is fighting in Philadelphia tonight. Let’s go see him.” I said okay, so we drove down and we get there, and the . . . I’ll never forget the . . . The two fighters go into the ring and they take off their robes, and one is a tough looking . . . was a miniature Mr. T — arms like cannon balls — just tough, tough guy. And the other guy was this skinny, light-skinned fellow. A bit of a . . . a bit of a gut, just clearly not in shape or anything. And this other guy . . . It just looked like he was gonna kill him. And I said, “My god. He looks . . . You’re right. He does look like a killer.” And Mr. Anton said, “That’s not Poppy Rollins. That’s Poppy Rollins.” And I said, “Come on. That’s this guy . . . that’s this holy . . .”
“Oh my gosh Patrick. He’s a holy terror! Wait ’til . . . he’s a holy terror.” And I’m like, “Yeah, yeah right.” Well the fight lasted about two minutes, and Poppy Rollins just destroyed this other guy. And so that . . . that was interesting. But what was more interesting was that they left, and it turns out that the father was in the audience. He was actually in the ring. And as they left . . . and the kid won. He won by a knockout in the first round. And as they were leaving the ring, somebody . . . a group of guys were standing there — big guys — and Poppy Rollins’ dad was a little guy as I remember, a little Puerto Rican fellow. And somebody said something like, “Your son’s a bum,” and this guy without even hesitating, without even confronting him just grabbed a chair and smashed it. And it just turned into this rumble. And I got a . . . I got a . . . I got a good idea of what had made Poppy Rollins as tough as he was. So anyway I stick that . . . There are times when my pop has been a little hard on me too, and I think of Poppy Rollins’ dad. And you know you gotta . . . I know what made . . . Poppy Rollins was tough, but I also know what made him that tough.
Recorded on: 10/29/07

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Next season of girl meets world

I watch this show not for the story of Riley and Maya, but for the continued story of Corey, Topanga, and the rest of the BMW gang. The Duncan family are adjusting to the surprise birth of their fourth child, Charlie. Retrieved January 6, 2017. The second season premiered on May 11, 2015. Retrieved February 2, 2017. Also, Cory is teaching history as simply names and dates, but Riley believes history is more and relaying that to her father eventually affects his teaching. Sage tells them they need to make a decision about him, and Farkle and Zay similarly tell Lucas he needs to choose between Riley and Maya. Kermit explains to her why he left her and her mother and started a different family. The rest of the class cannot see their partners due to the beaker of sludge in their way, but Riley and Farkle can see each other crystal clear, because they worked together equally to complete the science. Retrieved June 27, 2014.

Archived from on September 28, 2015. Retrieved April 2, 2016. Norton has Riley and her classmates examine a solution by placing a mystery marble into clear liquid, with one person of each boy-girl team dropping the marble and the other working out the scientific calculations. Retrieved April 27, 2016.

Maya and Riley go to Philadelphia with Cory, Topanga, and Shawn to dig up the time capsule in Mr. Centers on ultra-competitive fraternal twins Lindy and Logan Watson who navigate high school together with their best friends. He asks Maya to sit down and talk, and shows her that she actually knew all of the answers on the quiz. Riley wakes to find her childhood teddy bear, Barry the Bear, missing and enlists the help of her family and friends to find him. Next season of girl meets world understands what her father did and is no longer angry with him, but she cannot forgive him. Lucas is not pleased about these changes in his friends, who are letting what others say affect them, and he wants them to be themselves again. Things become awkward, and even though Riley and Lucas have strong feelings for each other, they decide to break up and remain friends. The Russo family may be an ordinary family with an average restaurant, but behind close doors, all three children must compete to be the next family wizard. Retrieved February 5, 2013.

Next season of girl meets world

On the rooftop, Riley asks Farkle for more time to confess her true feelings, but he no as he does not want lies to cause further damage. Will Netflix swoop in again and rescue Girl Meets World with a Prime 4 renewal. This new show centers around their pre-teen daughter. RELATED The news was confirmed in a series of no from the Twitter account: It is with incredible pride in our work and complete sadness that things end, that I pan to this wonderful audience that our show is over — Girl Meets Writers GMWWriters I just

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Being a single dad

If you overprotect, your daughter will either rebel or become dependent, and neither of those outcomes is a positive. It turns out that the quality of the relationship with the father and child is more important than frequency of contact. I sought out relationships that supported my way of thinking. You can ask if they would like to meet the woman you are dating, and if they say no sometimes one may say no, and the other will want tothen respect their wishes. And that, he insists, begins with a dialogue. No representation is made that the quality of the being a single dad services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. Lisa Karges, Florida Resident Partner – Tampa, FL. In terms of meeting her, this is a decision your child should make. Michelle Ferreri licensed in PA and NJ only – Philadelphia, PA. However, be sure to add that at some point in the future if you should ever meet someone you want to date exclusively, you will want them to meet her.

I rely heavily on the support of incredibly kind friends and family. Today there is more equality between people, especially when both partners have careers. All things considered, I do a pretty decent job of cooking, cleaning, and generally taking care of my kids. Do not bring them to her house. Expectation of Dad: When the litter box smells bad enough, carry the whole thing to the garbage and buy a new one. For some dads, a grandmother, aunt or other family member can take that role.

What can I do to prevent this being a single dad the future? Hand them a pop tart on a paper plate on their way to the bus. I do damn fine work at my job, and although I suffer the recurring existential crisis, I manage to hold myself together in a composed fashion fairly well. Expectation of Dad: Wipe the seat. Their mother has them every other weekend, and visits once a week. As our relationship progressed, talk of a shared future together organically emerged. Kimberly Lewellen licensed in CA only. Fathers tend to be able to do that caring, all-consuming parental role for the weekend and then go back to focus on their job. One of the most common complaints about life as a single dad has been how isolating it can be.

Being a single dad

Or do we as a society set up expectations for women and mothers that their male pas are never expected to live up to. Lay something out to thaw for a nice home-cooked dinner that night. La you are divorced or separated and theor whether you are a widowed dad, the challenges are very sincere. I took a lot of sleeping pills at night and downed a lot of coffee in the morning in a prime attempt to make myself into a morning person so we could all be on the same schedule-the schedule of a gusto still overcome with excitement about waking up at 5:45 a.

Raising a child is the most rewarding thing you can do. Kimberl