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Interprete: Bobby Rydell, nome d’arte di Robert Louis Ridarelli
Nazionalità Stati Uniti (Philadelphia, 26 aprile 1942)
Periodo di attività 1958 – in attività
Etichetta: POLAR.
Catalogo: NY 2001
Data di pubblicazione: 1960
Matrici: 2001/A 2001/B
Supporto:vinile 45 giri
Tipo audio: Mono
Dimensioni: 17,5 cm.
Facciate: 2
Stampa: Italia
Lato A
Autori: Mann, Lowe, Appel
Lato B
Swingin’ School
Autori: Mann, Lowe, Appel

Artist: Bobby Rydell, stage name of Robert Louis Ridarelli
Nationality United States (Philadelphia, April 26, 1942)
Period of activity 1958 – in business
Label: POLAR.
Catalog: NY 2001
Date of publication: 1960
Matrices: 2001 / A 2001 / B
Support: 45 rpm vinyl
Sound Type: Mono
Dimensions: 17.5 cm.
Facades: 2
Print: Italy
side A
Authors: Mann, Lowe, Appel
Side B
Swingin ‘School
Authors: Mann, Lowe, Appel
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Michael Vick has essentially been leading a double life — one as an effective NFL quarterback and another as a career criminal. Unfortunately for Vick, the two simply couldn’t exist side-by-side forever.

Vick’s achievements off the field include selling weed, stealing, knowingly transmitting herpes, and taking steroids. None of these activities are admirable but they all pale in comparison to the notorious side business that eventually put Vick away.

During the execution of a 2007 search warrant, investigators found evidence of Vick’s involvement in an illegal dog-fighting ring known as Bad Newz Kennels. It slowly came to light that Vick had financed and participated in several dogfights and was involved in the destruction of several underperforming dogs by hanging or drowning.

Nothing makes the general public’s blood boil quite like a story about dogs being tortured. In the wake of the investigation, Vick lost endorsements from brands like Nike, Coca-Cola and EA Sports, and was sentenced to 23 months in prison. Since his release in 2009, Vick signed with the Philadelphia Eagles and has been rebuilding his career — the one that involves football.

A man who targeted a Dunkin’ Donuts franchise in Philadelphia brandished a hypodermic needle during the crime.

A man who targeted a Dunkin’ Donuts franchise in Philadelphia brandished a hypodermic needle during the crime. The incident occurred on September 21st just before 7 in the morning.

The male produced the needle and announced he was intent on robbing the place. He then grabbed a female staffer by the arm and informed her he would stab her with his weapon of choice if she attempted to contact law enforcement or refused to open the register.

The man struggled with the employee for a little while before opening up the register himself and stealing money. Once he had the cash, the man left the business and ran down the sidewalk.

Fortunately no one was injured. Police describe the suspect as a 30-something year old white male who stands between 5’8 and 5’9.

During the robbery, he wore black Adidas sweatpants, brightly colored sneakers and a gray hooded sweatshirt. Anyone who recognizes him is asked to contact the department.

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Ash Ketchum, a boy from Pallet Town, started his journey on his 10th birthday. As is customary for all Pokemon trainers to choose from 3 starter Pokemon, a grass type Bulbasaur a water type Squirtle or a fire type Charmander. The night before he was due to get his very first Pokemon, Pikachu’s attack by creating bolts of lightning or sparks out of their electrically charged cheeks. Pikachu is number 25 in the Pokedex. Pikachu evolves into a Raichu. In the second generation of pokemon it is discovered that Pikachu is in fact an evolved Pokemon, and that it evolves from a Pokemon called Pichu.

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Join Chef Walter Staib as viewers get a tour of the historic Philadelphia City Tavern.