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Title: 10 Things Employers Want You to Learn in College( The Skills You Need to Succeed) Binding: Paperback Author: BillCoplin Publisher: TenSpeedPress Le tagliatelle al ragù sono un piatto classico della cucina italiana. Oggi ve le vogliamo proporre in una interessante variante: con il formaggio Philadelphia. Vediamo quindi di cosa abbiamo bisogno per preparare le nostre tagliatelle al ragù con Philadelphia: 200 grammi di scamone di manzo, 400 grammi di tagliatelle all’uovo, 200 grammi di pomodorini, 100 grammi di Philadelphia, 1 carota, 1 sedano, 1 cipolla, olio extravergine di olive, sale, basilico. Il procedimento è piuttosto lungo (c’è bisogno di un po’ di tempo per cuocere il ragù) ma semplice: iniziate facendo un soffritto con olio, cipolla, carota e sedano (che avrete tagliato a pezzettini). Prendete quindi la carne e tagliatela a cubetti, aggiungetela al soffritto e fate prima rosolare a fiamma vivace, poi abbassatela e lasciate a fuoco lento. Mescolate spesso e aggiungete dell’acqua qualora il composto si asciughi troppo. Aggiustate di sale e pepe, unite i pomodorini lavati e tagliati e continuate la cottura. A parte cuocete la pasta in abbondante acqua salata. Una volta pronta scolatela, unitela in padella con il ragù ed aggiungete il Philadelphia per mantecare. Fate andare a fiamma alta per 2 minuti e servite. Condite il piatto con il basilico e buon appetito! 

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Get Read Around The World In 80 Bars: Discover 80 of the world’s best cocktails and the bars that Best Seller

Imagine sipping a sophisticated Bellini while watching the gondolas glide by on Venice s Grand Canal, or swinging the night away in Seoul with the sounds of Nat King Cole in your easy and a Dizzy Gillespie on the tip of your tongue. Here is the definitive guide to the world s finest cocktails–“and the bars that made them great. Each recipe is featured alongside its creator, the movers and shakers who drank them, and the bars they are synonymous with–“each one beautifully captured in historical and contemporary photographs.

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Heurelho Gomes believes under Mauricio Pochettino Tottenham can become one of the best teams in the world.

Heurelho Gomes believes under Mauricio Pochettino Tottenham can become one of the best teams in the world.

Take a tour of the top10 attractions of Kyoto, Japan.

I’d like to give you a tour of the top 10 attractions of Kyoto, Japan.

Gion District – a wonderful, traditional neighborhood in the city of Kyoto. During your time here, you are likely to see Geishas in their traditional attire.

Bamboo Groove – Unlike any other place you are going to see. Walking through the bamboo grove, you are in a different world surrounded by the tall bamboo trees.

Heian Shrine – This shinto shrine was constructed in 1895 and commemorates Kyoto’s past emperors. These days, it’s a site for many local festivals.

Kinkaku-ji – Kyoto has numerous cultural sites. Kinkaku-ji – the Buddhist temple of the golden pavilion is among Kyoto’s 17 world cultural heritage sites.

Kiyomizu – Another famous temple of Kyoto built all the way back in the 8th century. Locals enjoy the surrounding natural landscape that changes throughout the year.

Fushimi Inari Shrine – Walking through the striking shrine gates, you are transported into another world. Many trades people come here to pray for prosperity of their businesses.

Local Culture – In Japan, even the simple day-to-day things are fascinating. You’ll find that the local way of life is spiritual as well as one that’s harmonious with naturre.

Ginkaku-ji – The temple was constructed in the 15th century. Japanese architecture melds nature with buildings beautifully and you clearly see that in this temple’s gardens.

Nijo Castle – A large complex built in the early 17th century. You can take the inside tour and witness its fortress-like features along with emphasis on harmony with nature.

Cherry Blossom – Kyoto is one of the world’s most beautiful cities. A perfect time to visit this city is during the cherry blossoms when its great cultural attractions look even more stunning.

Quentin a le coeur bien accroché, il accompagne aujourd’hui les testeurs d’attractions à Walibi. Avant l’ouverture du parc, chaque engin doit être vérifié. Pour ça, une seule solution… donner de sa personne !

If your summer plans include trips to any of these hot spots, you may want to make a few itinerary revisions.

If your summer plans include trips to any of these hot spots, you may want to make a few itinerary revisions.

Here are 10 of the world’s most overrated attractions according to USA Today.

Number 10. Stonehenge, England. Thanks to some past tourists who took pieces of it home as souvenirs, visitors are no longer allowed to get close to the site. Add that to the heavily trafficked roads on either side, and it’s just not the profound experience sort of place that it’s cracked up to be.

Number 9. Times Square, New York. At one time it was probably cool to travel a great distance and experience an overcrowded place packed with big screens and a plethora of bland, greasy food options. Nowadays, that sort of thing is everywhere.

Number 8. Pyramids at Giza, Egypt. Not only can tourists no longer touch the Sphinx, views of the great statue are compromised by previous tourists’ trash. On the upside, with all of the American fast food restaurants surrounding it, you’re unlikely to go hungry.

Number 7. Hollywood Walk of Fame, California. Between television, the Internet, and grocery store checkout magazine racks, indirect brushes with celebrities are easier to have than ever before. It is, however, a great place to pick up low-quality Hollywood-themed merchandise and maybe even get pickpocketed.

Number 6. Prague Astronomical Clock, Czech Republic. It may be the oldest one ever built, but it only does something cool on the hours. If you’re too early or too late you’ll have to stand there and literally watch time go by until it self-activates again.

Number 5. Blarney Stone, Ireland. Kissing it is supposed to give you great eloquence, but rumor has it that pranksters sneak in at night and urinate on it. Ending up with your lips on this ancient stone may leave you with nothing but germs.

Number 4. Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy. Let’s be honest – most people go to the attraction for one reason – to get a picture of themselves either holding up or pushing over the tower. Technology being what it is, you could easily make one at home and spend the day exploring other places.

Number 3. Manneken Pis, Belgium. Trips to see the statue of the little boy peeing are not completely wasted if timed right. On some days, a city employee puts clothes on the statue, which is at least different. Also, there are times when the water in the fountain is replaced with free beer.

Number 2. Equator, Ecuador. This tourist site was established pre-GPS, so the provided photo opportunity is technically in the wrong place. The actual equator is quite a ways back and mostly impossible to get to.

Number 1. The Little Mermaid, Denmark. Not only is it a copy, it’s often the target of vandalism and typically not much to look at.

“That is a little mermaid. I am so disappointed. I am going home now.”

Which one in your opinion is the most overrated travel attraction?