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Are there any sensations in your body that feel neutral, even pleasant?
If your mind wanders back into thinking about the anger-producing situation, come back to these neutral sensations.
How to Be Mindful When You Are Angry –
Meditation for Real Life
“Anger is a natural, life-affirming emotion.
Meditation for Real Life is a weekly tip about everyday mindful moments.
What part of your body is not feeling angry?
Rest your attention on these sensations for a few minutes, allowing yourself to find some calm.
How do the sensations of anger change as you pay attention to them?

Ebook 100 Things to Do in Philadelphia Before You Die (100 Things to Do Before You Die)
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Sept. 19 — Hillary Clinton spoke at a rally at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Democratic nominee attempted to reach out to voters who don’t like Donald Trump or her. She urged voters to give both candidates a fair hearing and hold them accountable for their ideas. The former secretary of state went on to slam Trump for “a long history of racial discrimination in his businesses.”