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Revelation 3:7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

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“I see your question,” Estanguet said, which really meant, “I see your trap.”
“I don’t want to comment anything about Trump,” Estanguet said.
Estanguet and Paris continue to insist in public that they are interested only in 2024,
but Estanguet also made it clear on Monday — 100 days before the scheduled I. O.C.
But a dry and happy ending seems inevitable this time, even if Estanguet, now the co-president of the Paris bid for the 2024 Olympics, was essentially
bending over backward in his straight-back chair on Monday to avoid sounding triumphant in its contest with a rival campaign from Los Angeles.
Losing an Olympic bid at the wire is a traumatic experience,
and Estanguet was part of the Paris delegation in Singapore in July 2005 when Paris was beaten by only four votes by London on the final ballot for the 2012 Summer Games.
In the wake of President Trump’s decision last week to withdraw the United States from the 2015 Paris climate accord, Estanguet was asked by a reporter, who
did not expressly mention Trump, if a country with what he labeled blatant disregard for the environment should be allowed to host the Olympic Games.
“When we entered into the room for the final result, we were quite confident,
and then it was, waaaah, cold shower,” Estanguet said, shivering at the memory on Monday during lunch at Roland Garros Stadium with a small group of reporters.
A Jilted Paris Has Pined for the Olympics, but the Long Wait May End in 2024 –
PARIS — On a warm and sunny day at the French Open, Tony Estanguet was shivering.
“It’s important to our bid because it’s a well-recognized place internationally,” Estanguet said.

“To maintain that intensity, it’s important to make sure we’re doing the right things in the weight room.”
UConn’s brisk, two-hour practices are designed to prepare the regulars to play 30 or more of a game’s 40 minutes
and to make quick and correct decisions when they are tired — to be able to hit a shot, make an intricate pass and guard the opponent’s top scorer in the closing minutes.
“I’m not a big data guy,” UConn Coach Geno Auriemma said, adding with a laugh, “I’m not smart enough.”
Instead, the most dominant team in basketball places a premium on rigorous
and varied preseason workouts, nutrition, sustained weight training through the season and, especially, on intense practices meant to simulate game conditions.
Yet, she added, “At times they just made us look bad in the way they pushed the ball.”
Robust conditioning is a particular imperative, and a stealth weapon, for a UConn team (34-0)
that rotates only seven players — five starters and two reserves — as it seeks a fifth consecutive national championship.
“We do things to get us tired, and then when we get tired, we do things
that require us to be mentally smart,” said Kia Nurse, a junior guard who has hit a remarkable 15 of 19 3-point attempts in this N. C.A.
“That’s why we always look so good at the end, because we’re still getting stronger, or at least maintaining, where other teams are not lifting, possibly, or they’re backing off
because they want to stay fresh for the tournament,” said Kimball, the strength and conditioning coach.
“The reason we’re fit is that we practice at an intensity
that no one else does,” said Amanda Kimball, the team’s longtime strength and conditioning coach.

Unless you are prepared to dig into your pocket to the tune of about $9,500 per person
and per year for individually priced health insurance premiums until you get Medicare at age 65, don’t retire early.
I know people in horrible, acrimonious marriages who nevertheless are able to supply health
insurance — even retiree health insurance, full ride, including Rx — to one another.
Not to mention that it is beneficial to “younger” people for us “older” people, at the top of the pay scale, to retire and make way for them.
Before Obamacare, there was compelling evidence that people were reluctant to retire, switch jobs,
cut back on hours or start a new business because they were worried about health insurance.
My advice: Don’t retire before 63.5 so you can stay on your company Cobra plan until you’re eligible for Medicare.
My colleague Austin Frakt wrote an article last week about the role the Affordable Care Act has played for early retirees
and other people interested in embarking on lives and careers untethered to full-time employment.
There is little good research on how many people have changed their work lives because of the health law’s guarantees,
but Mr. Frakt’s article prompted a flood of comments from Times readers who had either given up their corporate insurance or were hoping to do so soon.
I don’t expect it to be free, but if I can’t get somewhat affordable health insurance, my dream will likely die.
Without having to worry about health care for self
and family, more people would be willing to start businesses, change dead-end jobs and be more mobile.