Conozca A Alex Y Daniel Martin Dos Hermanos Con Una Conexión Mágica

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Except his opinion isn’t reasonable and shows a fundamental ignorance of reality. Sorry to burst your bubble.

The reality is that he doesn’t even understand why the Afghan War happened in the first place and he believes things that aren’t true.

What is reasonable about that?
RemindMe! 12 Hours
I remember liking it more than At Worlds Edge, but like you I can’t remember many details. I know my favorite part was near the end when the Spanish show up at the fountain.

Everyone else is fighting over who gets the fountain and whatnot, but the Spanish were like, “Fuck this fountain, and fuck you too.” They came to destroy it, not to exploit it. I remember thinking that was awesome – especially when initially step into the cavern. So cool.
Because it’s never relevant, or they’re trying to use anecdotal stories to argue against statistics or something.
Season 3 needs to hurry the fuck up


Ben: We are calling it The Batman
Producer: Great! I love the title! You are the co-writer? Excellent!
Ben: Yes, I wrote the word “The”.
Very true, you never know which is why I don’t get involved. But that’s also why there are hazard lights. Not many traffic cheaters use them so they’re a good distinction.
That’s funny
Goodwill Batmanning
They did have to make it twice. The original, nearly complete, film was stolen.
But have you ever seen a flock of ladybugs takeoff?
Philadelphia. Hands down
Which one do you think is the asshole?
Driver A: ‘The rules don’t apply to me and I’m not going wait like everyone else!” Cadillac
Driver B: ‘I’m not going to let anyone get by me unless it’s a cop!” Land Rover
Bet it’s an Audi
I did it strictly to protect the passengers in the car. That was my only consideration.
The first one?
Came in here purely for the archer references.
Actual throw down:
We’re just three guys and we’re having a good time.
Eh, as much as I’m a cannon junkie for most games I play, that’s one series I don’t worry about it, lol. I have a hard time identifying with characters and lore when I’m running around naked killing people with a 3 foot dildo.
Well there is the University of California – Oregon. (U of O has a huge percentage of Californians)
Fight club: Tyler Durden vs. Tyler Durden
Life…uh…uh…uh finds a way.
And the lyrics were called into question in court in wrongful death lawsuit against Black Sabbath.

The way Ozzy pronounced “enjoy life”, sounded like “end your life” to some poor kid who committed suicide.

When Ozzy clarified the lyric, the judge dismissed the case.


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