Air Travel Tips

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Learn about ways to plan your air travel and tips on making your trip more comfortable – part of the Travel Expert Video series by GeoBeats.

Air Travel Tips

Its really important to be flexible with your schedule. Also go onto the internet and find some super duper luper travel websites that will give you special deals for travelling last minute. The most important thing, however, is to be spontaneous.

Finding Deals During Holidays – Travel as close to the holiday as possible. Or you know what, even better, on the holiday. Because people don’t want to do that, and you get much better deals.

Reducing Stress During Airport Screening – Come early so that immediately the stress levels are reduced. Secondly, put your keys, your wallet in your carry on baggage. Thirdly, have some patience. It really helps. Trust me, I know.

Ways to Pass Time During Long Flights – Before you fly, check whether the airline you’re flying on has an entertainment system. Lot of them do, but some of them don’t. If they don’t, bring your computer, bring a good book, and lots of magazines.

Flying with Children – Some children maybe frightened and apprehensive when they get on a plane for the first time. Its really important to re-assure them that all is gonna be ok. Secondly, bring a favourite toy, or a favourite book, something to occupy their minds.

Flying with Pets – Check ahead with the airline to make sure you know the exact policy that they have for pets. Its extremely important that your pet is comfortable. I have travelled with pets many times, sometimes when they’re comfortable, sometimes when they’re not. Buy them a comfortable pet bag. Bring some water and some snacks.


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