Gail Greenberg

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Episode 185

Scott: I’m really excited to have as always our special guests but today’s guest, this lady, has been in the note business for right at almost exactly a year and done some amazing things. We’re overjoyed to have our good friend, Gail Greenberg, today.

Gail: Hi, Scott.

Scott: Gail, you have been in the note industry for just over a year now for the most part, right?

Gail: Yeah. This week coming up with Note CAMP signals the official one-year anniversary of my entry into the Scott Carson tribe.

Scott: What were you doing prior to the Note CAMP? Were you just getting your feet wet trying to figure things out?

Gail: Yeah. Like most people who come to Note CAMP and then later joined the Mastermind, I was stalking you online for a long time, watching lots of free videos, trying to put the pieces together. Then I really took the plunge at Note CAMP.

Scott: For those who don’t know, Gail was our social media winner, social media expert. One of the things that we run at Note CAMP is we run promotions pretty much every day of Note CAMP to see who puts out the most creative post and things like that. Gail did it on a consistent basis. At the end of it, she won the grand prize of having a year membership for the Note Mastermind and coming to a Fast Track training and stuff like that. You’ve really leveraged that to really kick-start your way into the note industry. You want to talk a little about that?

Gail: Yeah. Up until that time, you have a tremendous number of educational videos online. You put up more every week. It’s almost Scott Carson tribe. It’s almost more than someone can absorb. I remember I was visiting my daughter at college and she was in class one afternoon. You did a four-hour session where you were breaking down a tape and showing all the things and I had nothing else to do. I wasn’t even serious about notes yet, but I sat and watched the whole thing and it was just hilarious. I kept looking at you and thinking, “This guy really is committed and passionate about notes.” That really got my attention. I should say also I had been in real estate before this. Like most people, I had done some flipping. I didn’t own any holds of my own but I managed student housing here in Philadelphia for out-of-town investors and I bought buildings for them.

When I was in that experience, I really started thinking about notes because I had a student apartment that was home invaded twice in the first two months after we bought the building, which is crazy. It’s a terrible section of town but still nobody gets hit twice in two months. It’s very suspicious. It turned out they were drug dealers even though they look like students. There were lots of cash and drugs and the word was out. That’s not a great position to be in as a landlord to have an apartment that’s on everybody’s radar. I was literally cutting a bullet out of the wall for the police in that apartment. I was on my knees with a bread knife cutting a piece of dry wall out and thinking, “There has got to be a better way to make money in real estate.” That’s when I really started thinking about notes. No shooting involved in notes so far.


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