HR Recruiters: Be Careful What You Ask For

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It’s really a job-hunters’ market out there, and for once, managers and HR pros are having to up their game when it comes to finding qualified candidates. According to Business Insider, certain buzz words in job ads draw loads of candidates in one part of the country, but the same words can absolutely repel them elsewhere! For example, using the word “synergy” in a job listing leads to quickly-filled positions in Phoenix and Salt Lake City, but it slows down the process in Miami and Philadelphia. And job listings that say “work ethic” are significantly better at attracting new hires in San Jose, California, than in Everett, Washington. Openings for “intense” jobs are quickly filled in Portland, Denver, and Dallas, but not in Cleveland, San Francisco, and Chicago. Meanwhile, people in New York City seem to be turned off by the words “competitive,” “cool,” and “fast-paced,” but respond well to the phrases “meets commitments,” “casual company culture,” and “excellent critical thinking.” So for the manager in Everett who really wants a worker who knows how to–uh–work? Apparently, the word “dedicated” is a better fit!


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