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Hello From Toronto – Part 6 – The Toronto International Dragonboat Festival 2006

In this video I show you the “Hello From Toronto – Part 6 – The Toronto International Dragonboat Festival 2006” Quick Guide.For more details on this topic please visit:

Complete Guide book “101 Tips for Traveling on a Bugdet”

One of my favourite spots in Toronto is the Toronto Islands, that lovely patch of land right in front of downtown Toronto, separated by just a sliver of water. So close, yet so far from the city’s hustle and bustle. One of the biggest events on the Islands is the Toronto Dragonboat Festival, a family event organized by the Toronto Chinese Business Association. In addition to being a great entertainment event, the Dragonboat Festival is also a big fundraiser for the Canadian B…

wishing you best to lead with pride,
the people need you to care and guide,

as you have all the qualities of a leader.
you are the head and the heeder.

with softness of a preacher,
& willingness of a teacher.

you are full of knowledge and zest,
& have ability of turning worst into best.

i wish you go far away,
on the paths of wonderful bay.

i wish in happiness you dwell,
facing all challenges very well.

Arfa Iris

Businesses who are able to attract the brightest and best technology talent will be those who understand the complex and ever-changing relationship between humans and computers.

This includes an ability to use artificial intelligence smartly to “automate the misery and retain the joy” in people’s jobs, the latest podcast in The Scotsman’s Data Capital series heard.

Experts from Accenture Applied Intelligence said the market for those working in data and artificial intelligence was “extremely buoyant” – and that businesses who wanted to win the war for talent had to be authentic in their recruitment.

Sam Netherwood, an expert in behaviour change with Accenture Applied Intelligence, said: “When it comes to data, tell candidates what you are working on. Ask if they want to be part of that, part of solving those problems, part of this innovation. It’s about the inside [of an organisation] matching the outside.”