Maui is a place that is gifted with all that nature has to offer. The county has a lot to offer when the question, “Things to do in Maui”is put forth.One such activity provider is Segway Mauiwherein you can opt for various activities and make your trip memorable. – I haven’t done a travel tips video for a week or so, so I decided it was past time to bring a couple of them to you. This one is full of tips for places to visit in Egypt! Egypt is somewhere I’ve always wished I could travel to, and these ideas make me hope to get there one day even more. Thanks to Tarek for sending these to me! Where would you visit if you could go anywhere in the world, and cost were not a factor? –

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Eco World Development Group has been named Best Employer by Aon for the fourth straight year. Its President and CEO Datuk Chang Khim Wah talks about how it attracts and keeps talent. Sponsored

American Express Malaysia has been named ‘Best Employer’ by Aon for the eighth year. Its vice president and general manager Ryan Lai says the key is to break down corporate hierarchy. Sponsored

Joe Biden’s campaign is facing questions about the role of his son-in-law after a report that Howard Krein has been advising the Democrat on the coronavirus amid a possible conflict of interest.Krein’s venture capital business, StartUp Health, has been running a special initiative to invest in health care startups that offer solutions to the COVID pandemic, Politico reported, as Krein participated in daily calls to brief Biden on the virus.His dual roles of advising the campaign while investing into solutions to the outbreak could be a conflict of interest or lead to questions about whether his business is benefiting from his father-in-law.President Donald Trump has faced many conflict of interest questions while in office. The president still owns his private business, the Trump Organization, but the day-to-day business is run by his sons Don Jr. and Eric. Still, questions have been raised, for example, about how the Trump hotels and golf courses have benefited from Trump occupying the Oval Office. Dr. Krein does not have any formal policy or advisory role with the campaign, a Biden official told Krein occasionally joined calls with Biden to provide his perspective as a health care worker who has been on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic, including treating patients and helping to coordinate his hospital’s response. Krein, 53, is an Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology: Head & Neck Surgery at Thomas Jefferson University and a founding partner and co-director of Jefferson’s Facial Aesthetic and Reconstructive Center.He’s also served on the Biden Cancer Initiative’s Board of Directors from 2017 to 2019.He joined the investment business – as its Chief Medical Officer – not long after he began dating Biden’s daughter Ashley in 2010. The two married in June 2012. Krein’s brother, Steven, founded the health care investment business in June 2011. The day before it launched he had an Oval Office meeting with then President Barack Obama and Biden. Steven Krein told the Philadelphia Business Journal that Biden was ‘a big fan’ of StartUp Health and had arranged the Oval Office meeting.StartUp Health is ‘committed to achieving health moonshots’ and invests in ‘healthcare transformers,’ according to its website. The moonshot language is similar to language Biden has used when he has spoken about healthcare, specifically his Cancer Moonshot initiative. ‘It does raise questions of nepotism,’ Roy Poses, president of the Foundation for Integrity and Responsibility in Medicine, told Politico. ‘If you have access to people within the administration, it can help you with regulatory issues and policy issues.’ The federal gov
When author Edmund Morris left the Philadelphia business world in the early 1800s and bought a small farm in the New Jersey countryside, he was so pleased with the results of his venture that he decided to tell others how he accomplished it.His simply written chronicle ? one of the most popular books of its time ? emphasizes that agricultural success depends not on how much you grow but on what and how. Between thoughtful discussions of choosing the location, selecting crops, and planting an orchard, he contrasts city and country life, despairs over weeds and raising pigs, counts his gains and losses at the end of the first year, and writes warmly about the joys of establishing a home.Excerpt: What Jethro Tull did to improve tillage, the author of “Ten Acres Enough” did to prove that intensified agriculture on small areas could be made not only to support a family, but to yield a handsome profit, and health, freedom and happiness as well. It has taken two centuries for the most advanced farmers to appreciate Tull and his teachings. It has taken nearly half a century in this progressive age to appreciate and to put in practice, in a feeble way, the fundamental principles which underlie all our dealings with Mother Earth as set forth in this modest volume of two hundred pages. If one totally ignorant of the principles and practices of the various operations necessary to bring to perfection the many plants with which Agriculture has to do, were limited to two publications, I would advise him to purchase “Horse-Hoeing Husbandry” and “Ten Acres Enough.” “The mistaken ambition for owning twice (often ten times) as much land as one can thoroughly manure or profitably cultivate, is the great agricultural sin of this country,” says the author.

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