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Tip o’ the tournament to the Irish.
No. 6 Notre Dame rallied in the final minute to upend No. 14 Stephen F. Austin’s upset bid at the Barclays Center Sunday afternoon and, on a tip-in from the unlikeliest candidate, earned a trip back to the NCAA Tournament’s Sweet 16 for the second straight season.
Irish point guard Demetrius Jackson (18 points) missed a layup off the side of the backboard in the final seconds, and forward Zach Auguste (16 points; 15 rebounds) missed his ensuing tip attempt. The ball then ricocheted to Notre Dame forward Rex Pflueger, a bouncy freshman from California. He reacted instinctually to tip in the game-winner with 1.5 seconds left.
The scoreboard glowed: Notre Dame 76, SFA 75.
“Are you kidding me?” Notre Dame coach Mike Brey said. “Are you freaking kidding me? That was unbelievable. God, that was fun.” WATCH: NOTRE DAME GUARD STARES CREEPILY AT CBS REPORTER Elsa/Getty Images Rex Pflueger is at the center of Notre Dame’s NCAA Tournament win over Stephen F. Austin at Barclays Center on Sunday as his tip-in sends the Irish to the Sweet 16.
Pflueger had been scoreless in the game prior to that basket. The putback was only his second shot, and completed a hurried turnaround by the Irish, who had led by as many as seven points before the Lumberjacks chopped away at the deficit and took the lead. Pflueger turned the ax on the upstarts with his final effort, capping Notre Dame’s 6-0 run to end the game.
“I saw the ball coming off and I just attacked it,” Pflueger said. “Luckily, it went in.”
The Irish will travel to Philadelphia to face No. 7 Wisconsin Friday at 7:27 p.m.
Notre Dame, which lost to Kentucky in the final seconds of its Elite 8 matchup last season, is one of six ACC teams still alive.
“My pregame speech was: we have our March Madness Mojo back,” Brey said. “I saw it in the second half against Michigan Friday night. We had that look, ‘We gonna get it somehow.’ ” NCAA TOURNEY: FOLLOW THE MADNESS WITH OUR LIVE BRACKET Al Bello/Getty Images The Cinderella ride is over for Thomas Walkup and Stephen F. Austin.

Notre Dame needed every basket in fending off the Lumberjacks. Stephen F. Austin forward Thomas Walkup (21 points) was everywhere once again, pushing the fast break and slipping past defenders to the rim. He showed up on defense, as well, blocking Notre Dame wing V.J. Beachem’s jumper down the stretch. Still, Walkup could not convert a layup prior to Notre Dame’s game-winning sequence.
“I have the utmost respect,” Brey said. “I don’t think we’ve played a guy with a better feel in a number of years. He really picks on guys.”
It was the first loss for the Lumberjacks since Dec. 29.
“I think we proved we belong,” Lumberjacks coach Brad Underwood said. “Stephen F. Austin is here to stay.” FOLLOW THE DAILY NEWS SPORTS ON FACEBOOK. “LIKE” US HERE. New York Daily News Luck is with the Irish as a last-second tip sends Notre Dame into the Sweet Sixteen.
Underwood’s men frustrated the Irish all game. If it wasn’t Ty Charles burying a deep jumper, it was Clide Geffrard making his way to the rim.
Demetrious Floyd, a gadfly, flourished with back-to-back three-pointers down the stretch. The second tied the game at 64-64. SFA then took a 66-64 lead the next time down before Notre Dame tied it at 66-66. Back and forth it went, with the Lumberjackets going up 75-70 before Notre Dame’s last-gasp rally.
At game’s end, the Irish rushed the court in celebration. Brey threw his arms in the air.
“Remember when they told Rocky, ‘Give them a good show?’ ” Brey said in a back hallway afterward. Tags: rex plueger , demetrius jackson , zach auguste , mike brey , thomas walkup , notre dame fighting irish , stephen f austin lumberjacks , college football , march madness

Despite the fact that Homefront: The Revolution isn’t the most polished experience out on the market today, there’s still plenty of entertainment value to be had for those who are looking to spend hours inside of militant Philadelphia. From raising the comically named Hearts and Minds rating of every zone all the way to upgrading your weapons to their utmost potential, Homefront: The Revolution isn’t light on content. For those of you that are looking to get the most out of your experience with the newest title from Dambuster Studios and Deep Silver, we have five handy tips that should put you in a far better position to succeed. 1. Never go out in the open Because of the fact that Homefront: The Revolution does not have regenerating health, managing the amount of life you have is absolutely critical. While the third tip on this list will certainly assist you in staying alive, but considering that every enemy packs a pretty hefty punch, you’re going to want to keep some sort of object in front of you at all times. Luckily, the AI in Homefront: The Revolution isn’t necessarily the brightest, so crouching behind an object will often cause them to either forget about you, or slowly wander into a more vulnerable position. Despite the fact that you essentially have to stumble into it as a mechanic, there is a way for you to utilize cover in a way other than simply hanging out behind it. Basically, whenever you crouch while standing directly behind an waist-high object, you’ll be able to prop your gun up, which reduces recoil and converts you into a cover-based killing machine. Considering that Homefront: The Revolution doesn’t necessarily have the most generous checkpoints in the world (you respawn at the closest safehouse and have to run back to the objective generally), making sure that you’re not getting hounded from all angles is absolutely critical. 2. Figure out what your favorite weapons are and upgrade them completely Despite the fact that there are only a few core weapons available , there is a great deal of gun variety thanks to Homefront: The Revolution’s awesome gun conversion tools. By popping off the base of a weapon, you’ll be able to make crazy swaps that turn a regular pistol into a submachine gun or a crossbow into a flamethrower. Because you can only equip two guns at any given time, you’re going to have to quickly decide what your favorite weapons are, as heading back to the safehouse through load-heavy fast-travel or arduous back-and-forth walking is somewhat of a drag. Because purchasing different attachments and weapon upgrades prevent you from having cash to drop on consumables or character gear upgrades, it’s important that you do your best to find your weapon of choice early on in the proceedings to save yourself cash going forward. Because of shooting that can get slightly swimmy with a mouse and keyboard, the standard assault rifle and the submachine gun conversion for the pistol wind up being two of the best bets, along with the rocket launcher as a second primary. Try to purchase items that boost damage so that you can take down enemies far quicker, and be sure that you upgrade each weapon to three stars as quickly as possible. Not only is this a great way to utilize your cash in a way that has a tangible effect on gameplay, but it also frees you of one of your biggest monetary burdens early on in the campaign. 3. Buy a Tactical Vestsoon as possible For a mere $5000, you can unlock a piece of permanent gear that reduces the amount of enemy bullet damage by fifty percent. Think about that for a second. In a game in which managing your health is absolutely critical, being able to take two bullets for every one is a perk that is simply too important to ignore. Because you can get extra currency by picking up valuables, completing jobs through safehouse bulletin boards and conquering main missions, it’s actually not all that difficult to amass the extra coin. The added bonus to doing this is that once you’ve purchased the most expensive upgrade available, it’s really simple to buy lesser upgrades by the bunch, as each story mission will wind up giving you more and more cash. Of course, the one negative aspect of this is that it makes it easy to buy up all of the upgrades right away after getting the biggest whopper under your belt, but your experience as a whole will benefit from this choice. 4. Pick up every valuable in sight Collectibles in Homefront: The Revolution often contain long-winded stories that build up the universe a bit, but those who aren’t fond of extra narrative content should still explore. Dambuster has baked a loot system similar to that of Fallout 3, though to a much smaller degree. Essentially, whenever you see a glowing object in the environment, you’ll be able to harvest some sort of valuable item that can be sold for cold, hard cash at any gun locker. While you may wonder why a prison contains…

Debbie Wasserman Schultz was always going to be replaced as chair. But it wasn’t supposed to happen until January. | AP Photo PHILADELPHIA — Democrats are suddenly scrambling to fix the problem they thought they could kick down the road: choosing the next chair of the national party. The Democratic National Committee was always going to be overhauled, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz was always going to be replaced as chair. But it wasn’t supposed to happen until January, and the awkward question of who will serve as the next chief is now one the party can no longer ignore. Story Continued Below While interim chair Donna Brazile, a party stalwart and longtime Hillary Clinton family friend who served as Al Gore’s campaign manager, plans to serve until January , more than a dozen names are already circulating as potential successors. Prior to Wasserman Schultz’s resignation Sunday after five years in the post, in conversations with over 50 party leaders at the state and national levels, much of the speculation focused on former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, a proven television surrogate and fundraiser who has worked with pro-Clinton super PAC Correct The Record. Since Sunday, Stephanie Schriock, the president of EMILY’s List, who has close ties to the Clinton campaign and has long been rumored as a potential chair, has also emerged as a leading candidate. Other party leaders have pointed to former Maryland governor and 2016 presidential candidate Martin O’Malley — an outspoken critic of Wasserman Schultz during the primary — as a prospect. He has stepped up his campaign travel for Clinton since she dispatched Bernie Sanders and, as a former leader of the Democratic Governors Association, O’Malley has experience leading a party committee that few other contenders can match. But a President Clinton would have the final say, and people close to Clinton’s political team are skeptical that she would want to empower someone who was so critical of her during the primary, let alone someone who could be interested in running for higher office again. The name of DNC Vice Chair R.T. Rybak, a former Minneapolis mayor, also often surfaces — he was seriously considered for the job following President Barack Obama’s reelection. He is popular among state party leaders, but people close to the committee say he has been less engaged with its day-to-day work in recent months, and he is far closer to Obama than to Clinton. Another vice chair, New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Raymond Buckley, draws even more frequent mention after he helped Gov. Maggie Hassan and Sen. Jeanne Shaheen survive their reelection bids in the heavily Republican 2014 cycle. With four terms as head of the Association of State Democratic Chairs under his belt, Buckley — a favorite of fellow chairs whose name has popped up repeatedly in recent days — earned plaudits from the Clinton and Sanders camps alike for his work to avert messy state conventions following a chaotic one in Nevada this spring. A wide assortment of other officials from all walks of the party have also been the subject of speculation. Among them: former DNC CEO Minyon Moore, a Clinton confidante who now works inside the campaign; Rep. Steve Israel, a former Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee head, who’s not seeking reelection; Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings; and HUD Secretary Julián Castro, who said Monday — after being passed over to be Clinton’s running mate — he had no interest in the job. Another name floating around this week is that of South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Jaime Harrison, who said in an interview before Wasserman Schultz stepped down that he would consider taking the job if a President Hillary Clinton offered it. “If I were asked, I would really consider it after I get approval from the boss, which is my wife,” Harrison said. But if the identity of the next chair is still murky at best, some criteria for the post have started coming together. For one, the chair needs to be not only a proven fundraiser, but also a party figure acceptable to the restive Sanders wing that contributed to Wasserman Schultz’s ouster following the publication of internal DNC emails suggesting the party had tipped the scales to Clinton in the primary. And, say Democrats who blame the current committee’s failings on Wasserman Schultz’s management — as well as those who fault the White House for not offering enough institutional support — the chair needs to be someone Clinton knows she can work with. “The chairman of the party needs to go hand-in-glove with the White House, and we know that Debbie Wasserman Schultz has not gone hand-in-glove with Obama,” said John Morgan, an Orlando attorney and top Democratic Party donor who repeatedly clashed with Wasserman Schultz in public. “I would describe his relationship with her as ‘grin-and-bear-it.'” Many party leaders have urged people close to Clinton to…

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has had previous health episodes similar to Sunday’s near collapse, according to her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

“Frequently… not frequently, that’s not a… rarely but on more than one occasion over the last many, many years the same sort of thing’s happened to her when she just got severely dehydrated. And she’s worked like a demon as you know as secretary of state and as a senator and in the years since,” Bill Clinton said in a televised interview.

Obama picks up the campaign baton
The US president stepped back onto the campaign trail while Hillary takes time off to rest at home and battle her bout of pneumonia.

Barack Obama spoke passionately to a crowd in Philadelphia to try and ensure the White House remains under Democratic control.

“To be president you have to do your homework and you have to know what you are talking about. And you have got to apply steady judgement even when things don’t go your way. And you’ve got to make the tough calls, even when they’re not popular.”

“And that’s what Hillary learned, as a senator and as a secretary of state, and as a first lady,” said Obama.

“And the time has come for me to pass the baton on, but I know that Hillary is going to take it and she is going to run that race, and she will finish that race, and she will finish that race. And that is why I’m with her. That’s why I’m fired up. That’s why I’m ready to go. And I need you to join me!,” Obama added.

Clinton is expected to return to the campaign trail later this week.

“Get on the Wentz wagon” President Obama’s first order of business in Philly – football!— NBC10 Philadelphia (@NBCPhiladelphia) September 13, 2016

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Philadelphia police are looking for suspects involved in the shootout at the Roosevelt Motor Inn on March 31. Police released surveillance footage of the incident in an effort to identify the men.

The footage shows two men in the hotel hallway being approached by another man who fired a gun at them. One of the men returned fire and fortunately, the innocent bystander isn’t struck. A hotel security guard heard the gunshots at around 12:30 a.m.

The shootout continued into another hallway with two more bystanders nearby. Several more gunshots were exchanged and again, nobody, including the shooters, was harmed. The suspects fled on foot from the hotel and police are still searching for clues.

Police say the hotel, located on the 7600 block of East Roosevelt Boulevard, has been the scene of a number of prostitution arrests.


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VIDEO: Mga siga, nagbarilan sa isang hotel sa Philadelphia!

Pulis sa Philadelphia, ni-release ang video ng barilan sa isang hotel.

Hinahanap ng pulis ang mga suspects na ito, na sangkot sa isang barilan na nangyari sa Roosevelt Motor Inn noong March 31.

Narinig diumano ng isang employado ang pagpapaputok ng baril, 12:30 ng madaling araw. Anong nangyari?

Makikita sa security camera na may iilang taong naglalakad sa hallway.

Panoorin ang lalaking ito…

Sinundan niya ang mga taong naglalakad, humugot ng baril mula sa kanyang jacket…

At binaril ang lalaki, na tumakbo paalis. Isa sa mga targets ang binaril din ang gunman.

So tumakbo ang dalawang lalaki, pero huminto sila para pag-isipan kung babarilin ba nila ulit ang gunman! Ang sagot, ay oo!

Buti na lang at walang kapeng natapon!

Pero naghahanap parin ng dugo ang gunman.

Samantalang gusto lang makauwi ng mga lalaking ito.

Oh man. Here we go again.

Pigilan mo siya, Kirby!

Ay. Hindi siya nag-work.

Patuloy sa paghahabol ang unang gunman.

Sumukot siya sa isang sulok…

Pipigilan kaya siya ng babaeng ito?

Determinado ang lalaking ito, at nagpalitan silang muli ng mga bala mula sa sulok,

At tumakas ang dalawang lalaki.

Nagpaawat na rin ang unang gunman.

Tumakbo ang dalawang lalaki mula sa side exit ng hotel.

Tumakbo sa lobby ang unang gunman, at lumabas mula sa front door, bago siya tuluyang nawala.

Buti na lang talaga at walang nasaktan sa barilan.

Hinahanap ng pulis ang dalawnag gunman na nakatakas rin, nang hindi nasasaktan.

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